Jingyuan's Root Canal Treatment Journey

Specialist Root Canal Treatment in London

At London Dental Specialists we love to see our patients keep their natural teeth for as long as possible. We are frequently asked how to save a tooth that becomes painful/dark/after trauma and the answer is by having a successful root canal treatment. To achieve the 95% success rate that is achievable with painless root canal treatments, the first person who drills into your tooth has to be an expert in root canal treatments. Front teeth are extremely important cosmetically and functionally and many patients will prefer to save them because nothing feels and looks like their natural teeth.

Root Canal Patient Background

Jingyuan is a lovely 22 year old lady, who came to see Dr Ope for a consultation in regards to one of her upper front teeth. Her dentist kindly referred her to our practice with the suspicion that the tooth was cracked and required immediate extraction. Jingyan had also presented with a pimple on her gum above the problematic tooth which was an obvious sing of an infection.

Jingyuan's First Impressions of our Specialist Dentists

On her first visit to the practice, Jingyuan met Dr Ope who introduced her to our root canal specialist Dr Neha Patel. The patient felt immediately reassured by Dr Neha’s approach in relation to saving her tooth. She had no hesitation in commencing the treatment.

Root Canal Treatment Process

Root canal examination & CT scan

A detailed examination and a CT scan of the susceptible tooth were performed for a very accurate diagnosis and treatment planning.

Root canal treatment

The tooth was made numb and a small access hole was drilled for entering the canal, disinfecting it, measuring it and shaping it

Root canal filling

The freshly prepared root canal received a strong and durable root filling.

Permanent composite filling

Dr Neha chose to place a permanent, tooth coloured filling to close the opening of the canal.

X-rays during root canal treatment

Were taken during the treatment to ensure a high level of precision.

Root Canal Results

Jingyuan is extremely happy with Dr Neha’s result. The infection on her gum disappeared immediately after the tooth was treated. Dr Neha and the team are pleased to see the positive results of our lovely patient and are willing to share more of our unique and inspiring stories.

I had a bad infection on my font teeth. Other dentists suggested me to do the dental extraction and implant. Dr Neha and Ope provide an alternative solution and saved my teeth. Rather than the extraction, they carefully operated a root canal. There is no pain except anesthesian injection at the very beginning of the operation and no pain afterwards.
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