
Teeth Whitening

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Teeth whitening is a popular cosmetic dental procedure that changes tooth enamel's intrinsic or extrinsic colour by removing stains (chromogens) and discolouration from your teeth, leaving them brighter and whiter. This article will explore everything you need to know about teeth whitening, including its benefits, risks, costs, and maintenance tips, so you can decide whether it’s right for you.

Natural teeth play a significant role in our daily lives as they affect how we look and interact with others. They also help us eat food properly, speak clearly, and maintain good health. However, many factors such as ageing, smoking habits, certain medications, or foods, can cause tooth discolouration over time.

Luckily for us all though, several teeth whitening options can restore the natural sparkle of your pearly whites! Keep reading to learn more about the different stains affecting your teeth and which professional vs DIY options may best suit your needs.

Professional Teeth Whitening: Key Takeaways

  • Professional teeth whitening offers safe and efficient removal of stains without damaging teeth, while DIY kits come with risks of sensitivity, gum irritation, and inconsistent results.
  • Custom-made trays are used during treatment to hold the whitening gel in place and ensure even distribution across all teeth surfaces.
  • Aftercare is essential to maintain a newly brightened smile, including cutting down on staining food and drinks and visiting the dental team regularly for check-ups and cleanings.
  • Tooth sensitivity concerns is one of the main concerns during teeth whitening but is subsides at the end of the course of treatment.

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is a cosmetic treatment which involves bleaching your teeth to make them whiter. The best way to keep your smile healthy and bright is to look after your teeth and gums, but it’s not unusual to need a little help.

What is teeth whitening?

Professional whitening treatments are far more safe and effective than home remedies and available "natural" options. Our dental hygienists will assess your eligibility for treatment during the consultation and recommend the best option for you.

If you want to brighten your smile, London Dental Specialists offers professional teeth whitening services that safely and efficiently remove stains without damaging your teeth. While teeth can lose whiteness with age or become stained by smoking or drinking, other causes of discolouration may require different treatments. These include certain medications, genetics, and trauma to the tooth.

During your consultation, our team will correctly diagnose the type, intensity and location of the discolouration so that you can have an excellent result.

Types of Teeth Stains

Food stains are the most common extrinsic stains caused by regularly consuming dark-coloured foods and drinks such as coffee, tea, red wine, and berries. Smoking is also a significant cause of food stains. Ageing stains are a combination of extrinsic and intrinsic factors and become more prevalent as we get older. The outer layer of tooth enamel wears down with time, exposing the yellowish dentin beneath it. Additionally, intrinsic factors such as trauma or too much fluoride can cause ageing stains.

Medication stains fall under intrinsic staining and occur when medication enters the bloodstream before being incorporated into developing teeth or causing changes in saliva flow that affect oral health. Some antibiotics like tetracycline, can cause permanent tooth discolouration if taken during childhood, while other medications like chemotherapy drugs can produce temporary staining during treatment.

Brushing with baking soda or using hydrogen peroxide as a mouthwash can help remove surface stains initially but they will make the enamel thinner leading to the tooth appearing yellow in the long-term. And if you’re concerned about potential side effects from harsh chemicals in traditional whitening products, natural options like activated charcoal or oil pulling are worth exploring. However, it’s important to remember that these methods may not work for everyone and that consulting with a dental professional is always recommended before trying any new treatment approach. Complete the form and one of the team will be in touch

Professional vs. DIY Teeth Whitening System

Professional teeth whitening offers several benefits that cannot be replicated by using a DIY kit. Firstly, professional treatment is safer as dentists use high-quality ingredients that are safe for your teeth and gums. Secondly, you will receive personalised attention from a qualified dental professional who can assess your individual needs and recommend the most suitable treatment plan.

On the other hand, DIY teeth whitening kits come with several risks that may cause permanent damage to your teeth and mouth. Here are four potential risks associated with using DIY teeth whitening products: 1) Overuse of hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide can lead to sensitivity, gum irritation, or even nerve damage; 2) One-size-fits-all mouth guards don’t provide an even distribution of gel across all teeth surfaces leading to uneven results; 3) Incorrect application techniques may result in inconsistent levels of whiteness; 4) Inadequate preparation before applying the gel (such as not brushing beforehand) may reduce effectiveness.

Additionally, when comparing costs between professional and DIY methods, it’s important to consider any additional expenses associated with purchasing multiple kits over time or correcting any mistakes made during home treatment.

Now that you understand the potential risks associated with using a DIY kit for teeth whitening, let’s move on to discussing how professional treatment works step-by-step.

At-Home Teeth Whitening Technique.

This technique is carried out by yourself at home using custom-made bleaching trays. The procedure for achieving a brighter smile involves several steps that are carefully executed by our dental team. The first step is to assess the patient’s oral health and suitability for teeth whitening solution. This includes checking for any existing dental problems such as cavities or gum disease, which may need to be treated before the whitening process begins.

Once cleared for treatment, our experts will take impressions of your teeth to create custom-made trays that fit perfectly over your teeth. These home whitening trays will hold the bleaching gel in place for a period of time while they whiten teeth. You can expect sensitive teeth during treatment, but this is temporary and can be managed with desensitizing agents. Teeth whitening is a highly predictable treatment leading to whiter teeth. The duration of the treatment will depend on the level of discolouration and desired results, but it typically takes 3-4 weeks with the regular at-home application of our peroxide gel. Aftercare is also essential to maintain your newly brightened smile, including cutting down on food and drinks that can stain teeth and visiting our team regularly for check-ups and cleanings.

In order to achieve optimal results with minimal side effects, it is important to follow the guidance of a professional dental team when considering teeth whitening options. In the subsequent section about ‘at-home options’, we will discuss popular methods for at-home use and how they compare to professional treatments.

Moving forward into our next section about ‘safety precautions,’ it’s important to note that there are certain steps you can take to ensure optimal results without risking damage or discomfort.

Safety Precautions For Whitening Kits

To ensure the safety and effectiveness of your at-home teeth whitening treatment, it’s crucial that you follow the guidance provided by your dentist and avoid using DIY methods or natural remedies, as these can be risky and may not provide the desired results. Your dentist will provide you with customized trays to minimize gel touching your gums, as well as protective gear during in-practice procedures.

Additionally, they’ll give you aftercare instructions to follow for optimal results. It’s important to note that enamel sensitivity is a common side effect of teeth whitening treatments. This can be treated with toothpaste, shorter wear time, fluoride products, or pausing treatment altogether.

Your dentist can also provide recommendations on minimising any adverse effects of dental restorations. With proper precautions and guidance from your dentist, you can achieve a brighter smile safely and effectively.

Results and Side Effects of Home Teeth Whitening.

At-home Teeth whitening consistently offers a noticeable improvement in the brightness of your teeth but achieving a dazzling smile usually causes some temporary sensitivity to hot and cold.

Like any dental procedure, there are other potential side effects to consider. Firstly, it’s important to note that teeth whitening isn’t permanent and may require touch-ups every few months or years. Additionally, while teeth whitening is generally safe when carried out by dental therapists and dental hygienists, some individuals may experience temporary sensitivity or irritation of the gums and throat. It’s also possible for white patches to appear on the gum line after treatment. To minimize these risks, your dental professional will assess whether teeth whitening is right for you and recommend appropriate products and techniques based on your individual needs and sensitivities.

When considering teeth whitening, thinking beyond just the immediate results is essential. Long-term effects should also be taken into account. In particular, maintaining good oral hygiene habits can help prolong the longevity of your bright new smile while minimizing sensitivity concerns.

Keep reading for tips on how to maintain a healthy mouth following teeth whitening treatment.

Maintenance Tips after Whitening Teeth.

Maintaining a bright smile requires preventative measures and lifestyle changes to prevent the long-term effects of discolouration. Minimizing the consumption of staining liquids such as coffee, tea, cola, and red wine can significantly reduce the risk of teeth discolouration over time. Did you know that using a straw while drinking these beverages can reduce contact with your teeth by up to 90%? Drinking water between staining beverages and brushing your teeth after drinking them (wait at least 30 minutes for acidic drinks) are also effective ways to keep your teeth looking their best.

To ensure proper maintenance of your teeth’s brightness, it is essential to keep up with your daily oral care routine by brushing twice daily and flossing once daily. Visiting the dentist regularly for cleanings is also important as it helps polish away surface stains that may have accumulated over time. However, it is important to note that stains can still return even without habits like coffee drinking or smoking. Consulting with your dentist before whitening at home and only using recommended products can prevent further damage or unwanted results. With these tips in mind, maintaining white teeth will be easier than you think! Speaking of which, let’s dive into the next section about ‘teeth whitening costs’.

Costs of Professional Teeth Whitening

Factors affecting teeth whitening costs include the treatment type and the severity of discolouration. At London Dental Specialists, we tend to offer at-home teeth whitening kits which tend to be the most cost-effective.

Affordability is important when considering the long-term effects of your dental health. Professional bleaching or custom-made trays may be cheaper than laser treatment and have limited sensitivity. Click here to see our fees page to get information about our at-home whitening system. Consultations include a full examination to determine suitability for a whitening treatment, ensuring that you receive safe and effective care without breaking the bank.

Ready to choose a provider for your teeth whitening needs? Let’s discuss what to look for in our next section.

Choosing a Provider for Professional Whitening

Now that you know the costs associated with teeth whitening, let’s talk about how to choose a provider.

When it comes to the health of your teeth and gums, it’s important to choose a qualified professional who can provide safe and effective treatment. Look for a dental professional who’s registered with the General Dental Council and has experience in performing teeth whitening procedures.

In addition to checking provider qualifications, consider reading customer reviews before making a decision. This can give you an idea of the quality of service provided by the dental practice, as well as any potential issues or concerns that previous patients have had.

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Teeth Whitening FAQ

What is teeth whitening?


Teeth whitening is a cosmetic dental treatment that aims to whiten teeth and remove discoloration and stains on the teeth.

How can I whiten my teeth?


There are several options for teeth whitening, including at-home teeth whitening kits, in-office tooth whitening, and using whitening toothpaste or gel.

What is in teeth whitening gel?


Teeth whitening gel usually contains hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide that helps to bleach the teeth and remove stains.

Do I need to see my regular dentist before booking a free consultation with an orthodontist?


No, you don’t need a referral from your regular dentist to book a free consultation with a specialist orthodontist.

Is teeth whitening safe?


Yes, teeth whitening is generally safe for most people, but it’s important to talk to your dentist to determine the best teeth whitening option and to ensure that your teeth are suitable for the treatment.

Will teeth whitening make my teeth sensitive?


Teeth sensitivity can be a side effect of teeth whitening, but it’s usually temporary and goes away within a few days or weeks after the treatment.

What is the best teeth whitening product?


The best teeth whitening product may vary depending on individual needs and preferences. Some popular teeth whitening products include whitening strips, enlighten whitening, home whitening kits, and in-practice whitening.

How long does teeth whitening last?


The whitening effect won’t last forever and can be affected by lifestyle factors such as diet and smoking. Generally, teeth whitening results can last up to a year or more with proper maintenance.

Will teeth whitening make my teeth really white?


The degree of whiteness may vary depending on the method of teeth whitening, the natural color of your teeth, and the severity of the stains. Teeth may become a few shades whiter after treatment.

Can I still get my teeth whitened if I have sensitive teeth?


People with sensitive teeth can still get their teeth whitened, but it’s important to talk to your dentist to determine the best teeth whitening option and to manage any discomfort.

Does teeth whitening actually work?


Yes, teeth whitening can be effective in removing stains and achieving a whiter smile. However, the results may vary depending on individual factors and the method of teeth whitening used.



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