Types of Condylar Hypoplasia
- Congenital (primary)
- Acquired (secondary)

Congenital Condylar Hypoplasia (Primary)
- Small condyle present in one or both sides of the lower jaw
- Usually associated with systemic diseases such as Hemifacial microsomia, Mandibulofacial Dysostosis, Goldenhar syndrome, Hurler syndrome, Proteus syndrome, and Morquio syndrome

Acquired Condylar Hypoplasia (Secondary)
- Occurs due to injury or infection during growth
- Traumatic injuries can lead to stoppage of condyle growth
- Infections related to the ear and childhood rheumatoid arthritis are known causes
- Parathyroid hormone deficiency can also cause acquired condylar hypoplasia

Presentation of Condylar Hypoplasia
- Small mandible
- Symmetry in the lower jaw
- Increased overjet
- Limited opening of the mouth depending on the presence or absence of the condyle

Treatment of Condylar Hypoplasia
- Requires a multi-team approach involving an oral surgeon, orthodontist, and plastic surgeon
- Involves bone grafting from the patient's own body to the lower jaw
- Costochondral bone graft has been successfully used
- Lengthening of the graft through distraction osteogenesis
- Orthognathic surgery may be performed after the growth spurt is complete

Condylar hypoplasia is known as underdevelopment of the mandibular condyle. Congenitally (primary) caused condylar hypoplasia leads to underdeveloped condyle at birth. Hypoplasia of mandible can be diagnosed during birth, in comparison to the hyperplasia which is only diagnosed later in growth of an individual.

Condylar hypoplasia
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