- Orthodontic treatment begins with light wires (0.014inch in diameter) made of CuNiTi alloy.
- The wires have a non-anatomical shape and are wider than the natural arch.
- Thicker wires are placed as the arches round out and teeth level.
- The next-larger wire is used when it can be passively placed in the brackets.
- Initial light wires and passive placement of subsequent heavier wires may reduce pressure on the periodontal ligaments.

Tooth Movement
- Claims of faster and more comfortable tooth movement with passive self-ligating braces.
- Numerous randomized clinical trials found no difference in tooth movement rate or overall treatment time between conventional and Damon brackets.
- Lack of evidence to support the claim of less force exerted on the periodontal ligaments.
- The rate of tooth movement is not affected by the type of braces used.
- Summary systematic reviews have shown no significant difference in tooth movement between different types of brackets.

- Songra et al. (2014) conducted a single-center randomized controlled trial comparing alignment efficiency and space closure of active and passive self-ligating brackets.
- Chen et al. (2010) conducted a systematic review of self-ligating brackets.
- Pandis et al. (2014) performed a network meta-analysis on initial orthodontic alignment effectiveness with self-ligating and conventional appliances.
- The references provide scientific evidence and research findings on the Damon system.
- These studies contribute to the understanding of the effectiveness and comparison of different orthodontic appliances.

- Claims of more rapid and comfortable tooth movement with passive self-ligating braces.
- Potential reduction in pressure exerted on the periodontal ligaments.
- Use of lighter initial wires and passive placement of subsequent heavier wires.
- No evidence to support the claim of less force exerted on the periodontal ligaments.
- No significant difference in treatment time between conventional and Damon brackets.

- Comparison of alignment efficiency and space closure between active and passive self-ligating brackets.
- Comparison of self-ligating brackets with conventional appliances.
- Network meta-analysis on the effectiveness of initial orthodontic alignment with different types of appliances.
- Summary systematic reviews found no difference in tooth movement rate or overall treatment time between different brackets.
- Lack of evidence to support claims of faster or more comfortable tooth movement with passive self-ligating braces.

Damon system (Wikipedia)

The Damon system of orthodontics is one of many fixed, passive, self-ligating methods of correcting malocclusions. Passive self-ligating systems use brackets that do not require elastic o-rings to hold the wires in place. By not using the elastic o-rings, it is said that the wires freely slide through the slots without friction. However, this may not be correct as it allows more rotation or tipping of teeth (and therefore some potential loss of precision of movement) before the bracket edges contact the wire, resulting in friction. It is believed that not using o-rings results in better oral hygiene but the research is equivocal, with findings both for and against the theory. To hold the wires in place, the Damon System uses small sliding doors. The addition of 'stops' on the wires helps prevent the wire from becoming displaced from its intended location.

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