Biological morphology
- Fenestrae are found in cancellous bones, particularly in the skull.
- The round window and oval window in anatomy are also known as the fenestra rotunda and fenestra ovalis.
- Fenestrae are found in endothelium of fenestrated capillaries, enabling rapid exchange of molecules between blood and surrounding tissue.
- The elastic layer of the tunica intima is a fenestrated membrane.
- In surgery, a fenestration is a new opening made in a part of the body to enable drainage or access.

Plant biology and mycology
- Perforations in a perforate leaf are described as fenestrae, and the leaf is called a fenestrate leaf.
- The leaf window, also known as a fenestra, is a translucent structure that transmits light.
- Examples of fenestrate structures in the fungal kingdom include the gaps in the indusium of the mushroom Phallus duplicatus and the thallus of the coral lichen Pulchrocladia retipora.
- Fenestraria is a plant genus with fenestrate structures.
- Plant biology and mycology study fenestrate structures in plants and fungi.

- The trilobite Fenestraspis possessed extensive fenestrae in the posterior part of the body.
- The paleognathae have an ilio-ischiatic fenestra.
- Fenestrae are used to distinguish the three types of amniote: anapsids, diapsids, and synapsids.
- The presence and number of fenestrae in the skull behind the eye socket differentiate these groups.
- Anapsids have a complete skull with no gaps, diapsids have two fenestrae, and synapsids have one fenestra behind the eye socket.

- Fenestron refers to a shrouded tail rotor of a helicopter.

- Definition of fenestra in English from Oxford Dictionaries.
- Barr's the Human Nervous System: An Anatomical Viewpoint by J.A. Kiernan and M.L. Barr.
- Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary, 28th edition, by W.A. Newman Dorland.
- Human Microscopic Anatomy: An Atlas for Students of Medicine and Biology by R.V. Krstić.
- The Kew Plant Glossary: An Illustrated Dictionary of Plant Terms by H. Beentje and J. Williamson.

Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
fenestra (noun)
a small anatomical opening (as in a bone) as
a) - oval window called also fenestra ova*lis -ō-ˈvā-ləs fenestra ves*tib*u*li -ves-ˈti-byə-(ˌ)lē
b) - round window called also fenestra cochleae fenestra ro*tun*da -rō-ˈtən-də
an opening cut in bone
Fenestra (Wikipedia)

A fenestra (fenestration; pl.: fenestrae or fenestrations) is any small opening or pore, commonly used as a term in the biological sciences. It is the Latin word for "window", and is used in various fields to describe a pore in an anatomical structure.

Fenestra (Wiktionary)



Borrowed from Latin fenestra. Existed in Middle English as fenestre, fenester, from Old English fenester (window).


fenestra (plural fenestras or fenestrae or

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