Image Details
- The image is a design created by Seyyedali Mousavi Bafrouei.
- The file was published on 27 May 2018.
- The source of the file is the author's own work.
- The author of the file is Seyyedalith.

- The file is made available under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication.
- The copyright holder has waived all rights to the work worldwide under copyright law.
- The file can be copied, modified, distributed, and performed without permission, even for commercial purposes.

- The file can be viewed at different dates and times.
- The file has been used on various language versions of Wikipedia.
- One of the usages is related to dental pulp treatment.
- Another usage is related to root canal treatment.

- The file may contain additional information added during creation or digitization.
- If the file has been modified, some details may not reflect the modified version.
- The file has a horizontal resolution of 56.69 dpc.
- The file has a vertical resolution of 56.69 dpc.
- The file can be retrieved from the URL:

File Details
- The file is titled 'Passive step back.png'.
- The file is an image file.
- The file is in PNG format.
- The file is related to passive step back procedure.
- The file is associated with dental treatment.

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