Definition and Purpose of Functional Zoning
- Functional zoning is a method used for dividing land use by its function.
- Land use is divided based on function and physical characteristics.
- Functional zoning includes designated zones for industrial, recreational, and residential purposes.
- Physical characteristics zoning considers development density, lot size, and building placement.
- Functional zoning tends to increase car dependency.

Benefits of Mixed-Use Zoning
- Mixed-use zoning enables walking and promotes sustainability.
- It reduces car dependency compared to functional zoning.
- Mixed-use zoning allows for a combination of residential, commercial, and recreational activities.
- It promotes a sense of community by integrating different functions in one area.
- Mixed-use zoning optimizes land use and reduces waste.

Criticisms of Functional Zoning
- Functional zoning leads to the squandering of land, energy, and time.
- It can create isolated zones that lack diversity and interaction.
- Functional zoning may limit economic opportunities by separating different functions.
- It can contribute to urban sprawl and longer commuting distances.
- Functional zoning may hinder social integration and community cohesion.

References on Functional Zoning
- Dubrova, Stanislav et al. conducted an environmental assessment of eco-geological substance migration flows related to functional city zoning.
- Norman Tyler's book 'Planning and Community Development' discusses functional zoning.
- Mathew Carmona's book 'Public Places Urban Spaces: The Dimensions of Urban Design' explores the dimensions of functional zoning.
- Léon Krier's book 'The Architecture of Community' touches on the topic of functional zoning.
- The article 'Functional Zoning' on ResearchGate provides further insights on the subject.

Additional Information
- Functional zoning is a topic related to urban planning.
- The article on functional zoning is categorized under zoning and urban studies.
- The article is a stub and can be expanded with more information.
- The article was last retrieved from Wikipedia on a specific date.
- The article has additional categories and identifiers for reference.

Functional zoning (Wikipedia)

Functional zoning or functional city zoning is a method used for dividing land use by its function. Typically, land use is divided in two ways, by its function and by its physical characteristics. An example of functional zoning would be an area that has designated zones based on a function such as an industrial zone, a recreational zone and a residential zone. An example of an area zoned by its physical characteristics is defined in terms of characteristics like development density, minimum lot size, and building coverage, placement and height.

Functional zoning tends to create or increase car dependency, while mixed-use zoning tends to enable walking, making it more sustainable. It has been criticized for causing the squandering of land, energy, and time.

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