Preterm births
- Research implicates periodontal disease caused by F. nucleatum with preterm births in humans.
- F. nucleatum cells have been isolated from the amniotic fluid, placenta, and chorioamnionic membranes of women delivering prematurely.
- Laboratory mice inoculated with F. nucleatum have been found to deliver prematurely, mirroring observations in humans.
- Possible causal connection between F. nucleatum-caused periodontal disease and some cases of preterm delivery.
- F. nucleatum can also be isolated from the vaginal microbiome, especially in women with bacterial vaginosis.

Colon cancer
- F. nucleatum has a demonstrated association with colorectal cancer.
- Fusobacterium species have been found at higher quantities in certain types of colon tumors.
- F. nucleatum creates a pro-inflammatory environment conducive to tumor growth through the recruitment of tumor-infiltrating immune cells.
- F. nucleatum can bind to host tissue E-cadherins via a protein called FadA.
- F. nucleatum adherence to colorectal cancer cells via a lectin called Fap2 up-regulates production of cytokines associated with higher rates of metastasis.

Bacterial vaginosis
- F. nucleatum can be isolated from the vaginal microbiome, especially in women with bacterial vaginosis.
- List of bacterial vaginosis microbiota.

- Kapatral V, Anderson I, Ivanova N, Reznik G, Los T, Lykidis A, et al. (April 2002). Genome sequence and analysis of the oral bacterium Fusobacterium nucleatum strain ATCC 25586.
- Fusobacterium nucleatum in Periodontal Health and Disease. Current Issues in Molecular Biology. 2011.
- Han YW, Redline RW, Li M, Yin L, Hill GB, McCormick TS (April 2004). Fusobacterium nucleatum induces premature and term stillbirths in pregnant mice: implication of oral bacteria in preterm birth.
- Hillier SL, Krohn MA, Rabe LK, Klebanoff SJ, Eschenbach DA (June 1993). The normal vaginal flora, H2O2-producing lactobacilli, and bacterial vaginosis in pregnant women.
- Hitti J, Hillier SL, Agnew KJ, Krohn MA, Reisner DP, Eschenbach DA (February 2001). Vaginal indicators of amniotic fluid infection in preterm labor.
- Kostic AD, Chun E, Robertson L, Glickman JN, Gallini CA, Michaud M, et al. (August 2013). Fusobacterium nucleatum potentiates intestinal tumorigenesis and modulates the tumor-immune microenvironment.
- Guo, Pin; Tian, Zibin; Kong, Xinjuan; Yang, Lin; Shan, Xinzhi; Dong, Bingzi; Ding, Xueli; Jing, Xue; Jiang, Chen; Jiang, Na; Yu, Yanan (2020-09-29). FadA promotes DNA damage and progression of Fusobacterium nucleatum-induced colorectal cancer through up-regulation of chk2.
- Casasanta, Michael A.; Yoo, Christopher C.; Udayasuryan, Barath; Sanders, Blake E.; Umaña, Ariana; Zhang, Yao; Peng, Huaiyao; Duncan, Alison J.; Wang, Yueying (2020-01-16). Fusobacterium nucleatum host cell binding and invasion induces IL-8 and CXCL1 secretion that drives colorectal cancer cell migration.

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