History and Origins of Holistic Dentistry
- Holistic dentistry originated from the research of Weston A. Price.
- Price linked tooth decay to modern Western diet habits.
- Melvin E. Page and Hal Huggins expanded on Price's theories.
- Holistic dentistry promotes health and wellness.
- It combines modern science with knowledge from natural healing traditions.

Basic Principles of Holistic Dentistry
- Proper nutrition prevents and reverses degenerative dental disease.
- Toxins from dental materials should be avoided and eliminated.
- Dental malocclusion (bite problems) should be prevented and treated.
- Gum disease should be prevented and treated at its biological basis.
- Holistic dentistry considers the mind, body, and spirit of the patient.

Criticisms of Holistic Dentistry
- Holistic dentistry techniques and services can vary greatly.
- Some conventional dentists criticize holistic practices for lack of efficacy.
- Many alternative dentistry practices are not evidence-based.
- The use of herbal remedies lacks scientific research.
- Certain methodologies and equipment used in holistic dentistry are not science-backed.

Related Concepts and Terms
- Dentistry
- Root canal
- Dental spa
- Gum disease
- Alternative medicine

- Jarvis, William T. (1990). Dubious Dentistry.
- What is Holistic Dentistry?. Holistic Dental Network.
- Holistic Dental Association - About Us.
- Goldstein, B.H. (2000). Unconventional dentistry: Part I. Introduction.
- Thakur, N.; Bagewadi, A.; Keluskar, V. (2011). Holistic dentistry: Natural approaches to oral health.

Holistic dentistry (Wikipedia)

Holistic dentistry, also called biological dentistry, biologic dentistry, alternative dentistry, unconventional dentistry, or biocompatible dentistry, is the equivalent of complementary and alternative medicine for dentistry. Although the holistic dental community is diverse in its practices and approaches, common threads include strong opposition to the use of amalgam in dental fillings, nonsurgical approaches to gum disease, and the belief that root canal treatments may endanger systemic health of the patient through the spread of trapped dental bacteria to the body. Many dentists who use these terms also regard water fluoridation unfavorably.

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