Types of Loupes
- Simple lenses used for low-magnification designs
- Compound lenses used for higher magnifications
- Prismatic lenses with multiple lenses and prisms
- Bioptic telescope
- Loupe light
- Pocket comparator
- 10× Loupe for Gemologists and Jewelers
- Futudent HD Camera

Uses of Loupes
- Precision work in surgery, dentistry, ophthalmology, and jewelry trade
- Examination of gemstones and jewelry in the jewelry trade
- Photography and printing
- Reviewing and analyzing negatives and slides in photography
- Sensor cleaning in digital photography

Loupes in Jewelry and Gemology
- Monocular handheld loupes used by jewelers to magnify gemstones
- 10x magnification is standard for inspecting jewelry and grading diamond clarity
- Inclusions in VVS diamonds are hard to find even at 10x magnification
- Higher magnifications may be used, but the depth of field becomes too small
- Inclusions visible at 10x magnification impact the clarity grade of diamonds

Loupes in Watchmaking
- Loupes assist watchmakers in assembling mechanical watches
- Loupes are used for assembling watch mechanisms, watch dials, and watch straps
- Some watchmaking families produce high-quality loupes in addition to watches
- Loupes aid in the installation of precious stones onto watch faces
- Loupes are essential for precision work in watchmaking

Loupes in Dentistry and Surgery
- Dentists, hygienists, and dental therapists use binocular loupes
- Loupes improve accuracy in diagnosing oral conditions
- Magnification enhances surgical precision in dental procedures
- Loupes improve dentists' posture and decrease occupational strain
- Magnification aids in identifying dental caries and periodontal disease
- Surgeons commonly use loupes in various specialties
- Loupes are custom made for individual surgeons based on their vision needs
- Multiple magnification powers are available for surgical loupes
- Loupes are used in otolaryngology, neurosurgery, ophthalmology, and more
- Loupes assist surgeons in performing delicate surgeries on structures

Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
loupe (noun)
a small magnifier used especially by jewelers and watchmakers
Loupe (Wikipedia)

A loupe (/ˈlp/ LOOP) is a simple, small magnification device used to see small details more closely. They generally have higher magnification than a magnifying glass, and are designed to be held or worn close to the eye. A loupe does not have an attached handle, and its focusing lens(es) are contained in an opaque cylinder or cone. On some loupes this cylinder folds into an enclosing housing that protects the lenses when not in use.

A jeweler's loupe
Loupe (Wiktionary)



Borrowed from French loupe.


Homophone: loop


loupe (plural loupes)

  1. A magnifying glass, usually mounted in an eyepiece, often used by jewellers and watchmakers.
  2. A type of short-range binoculars used by surgeons
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