Notation and Development
- Dentistry has several systems of notation to identify teeth.
- In the universal system of notation, the deciduous maxillary central incisors are designated by a letter written in uppercase.
- The right deciduous maxillary central incisor is known as E, and the left one is known as F.
- The permanent maxillary central incisors are designated by a number.
- The right permanent maxillary central incisor is known as 8, and the left one is known as 9.
- The aggregate of cells which eventually form a tooth are derived from the ectoderm of the first branchial arch and the ectomesenchyme of the neural crest.
- The first hard tissue to begin forming is dentin, with enamel appearing immediately afterwards.
- The deciduous maxillary central incisor begins to undergo mineralization 14 weeks in utero.
- The crown of the tooth is completed 1.5 months after birth and erupts into the mouth at around 10 months of age.
- The permanent maxillary central incisor begins to undergo mineralization when a child is 3–4 months of age.

Deciduous Dentition
- The overall length of the deciduous maxillary central incisor is 16mm on average.
- The ratio of the root length to the crown length is greater in the deciduous tooth.
- The diameter of the crown mesiodistally is greater than the length cervicoincisally.
- The marginal ridges and the cingulum of the tooth are well-developed.
- The root of this tooth is cone-shaped with a rounded apex.

Permanent Dentition
- The permanent maxillary central incisor is the widest tooth mesiodistally in comparison to any other anterior tooth.
- The central incisor appears to be more rectangular or square in shape.
- Mammelons, three rounded features on the incisal edges, disappear with time.
- Gender differences in the appearance of this tooth are seen, with males having larger size on average.
- Age differences in the gingival-incisal length of maxillary central incisors are seen.

Labial, Mesial, Distal, and Incisal Views
- The mesial outline of the tooth is straight or slightly convex, whereas the distal outline is much more convex.
- The height of curvature is closer to the mesioincisal angle on the mesial side.
- The distal outline of the crown is more convex than the mesial outline.
- After the mammelons are worn away, the incisal edge of the maxillary central incisor is straight mesiodistally.
- The root is blunt and cone-shaped, usually 2–3mm longer than the length of the crown.
- The mesial view of the maxillary central incisor shows a triangular crown with the point at the incisal edge and the base at the cervix.
- The root of the tooth appears cone-shaped with a blunt apex.
- A line drawn through the center of the incisal edge will also cross through the center of the root apex.
- The crest of curvature for the palatal and labial surfaces is located directly incisally to the cervical line.
- The labial surface of the crown is convex from the crest of curvature to the incisal edge, while the lingual surface is concave along the surface between the cingulum and incisal edge.
- The distal view of the maxillary central incisor is similar to the mesial view.
- A greater portion of the tooth surface facing the lips is visible from this view compared to the mesial view.
- The labial surface of the crown tilts distally and lingually.
- The cervical line curves less in comparison to the mesial view.
- The incisal view of the maxillary central incisor shows only the crown of the tooth.
- The labial surface appears broad and flat.
- The lingual surface tapers toward the cingulum.
- The distance between the mesioincisal angle to the cingulum is slightly longer than the distance between the distoincisal angle to the cingulum.

Pulp Anatomy and Surrounding Teeth
- The pulp is the location of the nerve and blood supply of a tooth.
- In the deciduous maxillary central incisor, endodontic treatment is less frequent.
- In the permanent maxillary central incisor, root canal treatment can be effective.
- There frequently are three pulp horns in this tooth.
- In nearly all maxillary central incisors, there is one canal with one apex.
- Interproximal contacts refer to the contact between adjacent teeth in the same arch.
- The maxillary central incisors have an interproximal contact with itself and the mandibular central incisors.
- The contact between the central incisor and the lateral incisor is nearer the gingiva.
- The maxillary central incisors are usually located facially to the mandibular teeth when the mouth is closed.
- An anterior crossbite may indicate a displacement of the mandible relative to the maxilla.

The maxillary central incisor is a human tooth in the front upper jaw, or maxilla, and is usually the most visible of all teeth in the mouth. It is located mesial (closer to the midline of the face) to the maxillary lateral incisor. As with all incisors, their function is for shearing or cutting food during mastication (chewing). There is typically a single cusp on each tooth, called an incisal ridge or incisal edge. Formation of these teeth begins at 14 weeks in utero for the deciduous (baby) set and 3–4 months of age for the permanent set.

Maxillary central incisor
Maxillary central incisor
Maxillary central incisors of permanent and primary teeth marked in red.
Anatomical terminology

There are some minor differences between the deciduous maxillary central incisor and that of the permanent maxillary central incisor. The deciduous tooth appears in the mouth at 8–12 months of age and shed at 6–7 years, and is replaced by the permanent tooth around 7–8 years of age. The permanent tooth is larger and is longer than it is wide. The maxillary central incisors contact each other at the midline of the face. The mandibular central incisors are the only other type of teeth to do so. The position of these teeth may determine the existence of an open bite or diastema. As with all teeth, variations of size, shape, and color exist among people. Systemic disease, such as syphilis, may affect the appearance of teeth.

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