Location and Position
- The maxillary second molar is located distally from the maxillary first molars.
- It is mesial to the maxillary third molars.
- In deciduous teeth, it is the last tooth in the mouth.
- The permanent maxillary second molar does not have a third molar behind it.
- Its position allows for efficient grinding during mastication.

Function and Anatomy
- The primary function of the maxillary second molar is grinding during chewing.
- There are usually four cusps on maxillary molars, two on the buccal side and two on the palatal side.
- The deciduous maxillary second molar is more likely to have an oblique ridge compared to permanent molars.
- The permanent maxillary molars do not have any teeth that precede them.
- Despite similarities in function, there are significant differences between deciduous and permanent maxillary molars.

Notation for Deciduous Maxillary Second Molars
- In the universal system of notation, the right deciduous maxillary second molar is designated as A, and the left one as J.
- The international notation uses numbers, so the right deciduous maxillary second molar is known as 55, and the left one as 65.

Notation for Permanent Maxillary Second Molars
- In the universal system of notation, the right permanent maxillary second molar is designated as 2, and the left one as 15.
- The Palmer notation uses a number with a symbol to indicate the quadrant. Both second molars would have the number 7, but the right one would have the symbol ┘, and the left one would have └.
- The international notation assigns the right permanent maxillary second molar as 17, and the left one as 27.

- Ash, Major M. and Stanley J. Nelson, 2003. Wheeler's Dental Anatomy, Physiology, and Occlusion. 8th edition.
- Additional references and related reading materials can be found to support the information provided in this article.

The maxillary second molar is the tooth located distally (away from the midline of the face) from both the maxillary first molars of the mouth but mesial (toward the midline of the face) from both maxillary third molars. This is true only in permanent teeth. In deciduous (baby) teeth, the maxillary second molar is the last tooth in the mouth and does not have a third molar behind it. The function of this molar is similar to that of all molars in regard to grinding being the principal action during mastication, commonly known as chewing. There are usually four cusps on maxillary molars, two on the buccal (side nearest the cheek) and two palatal (side nearest the palate).

Maxillary second molar
Maxillary second molars of permanent and primary teeth marked in red.
Anatomical terminology

There are great differences between the deciduous (baby) maxillary molars and those of the permanent maxillary molars, even though their function are similar. The permanent maxillary molars are not considered to have any teeth that precede it. Despite being named molars, the deciduous molars are followed by permanent premolars. The deciduous maxillary second molar is the most likely deciduous tooth to have an oblique ridge.

In the universal system of notation, the deciduous maxillary second molars are designated by a letter written in uppercase. The right deciduous maxillary second molar is known as "A", and the left one is known as "J". The international notation has a different system of notation. Thus, the right deciduous maxillary second molar is known as "55", and the left one is known as "65".

In the universal system of notation, the permanent maxillary second molars are designated by a number. The right permanent maxillary second molar is known as "2", and the left one is known as "15". In the Palmer notation, a number is used in conjunction with a symbol designating in which quadrant the tooth is found. For this tooth, the left and right second molars would have the same number, "7", but the right one would have the symbol, "┘", underneath it, while the left one would have, "└". The international notation has a different numbering system than the previous two, and the right permanent maxillary second molar is known as "17", and the left one is known as "27".

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