Congenital Microstomia
- Feature of craniofacial syndromes
- Including Freeman-Sheldon syndrome
- Also seen in Sheldon-Hall syndromes
- May present with whistling-face feature
- Impairs alimentation and may require oral surgeries

Acquired Microstomia
- Can result from scarring due to various conditions
- Seen as a complication of facial burns
- Can be a feature of systemic scleroderma

- Hagberg and Benumofs Airway Management, Elsevier, pp. 608-639
- Jameson, J. Larry, Harrisons Principles of Internal Medicine, McGraw-Hill Education, pp. ch 353

External links
- Classification: ICD-10: Q18.5
- Classification: ICD-9-CM: 744.84

Microstomia (Wikipedia)

Microstomia is a small mouth (micro- a combining form meaning small + -stomia a combining form meaning mouth = (abnormally) "small mouth" in Greek.)

Acquired microstomia from congenital syphilis
SpecialtyMedical genetics
Microstomia (Wiktionary)



micro- +‎ stoma +‎ -ia


microstomia (uncountable)

  1. (medicine) The presence of an abnormally small mouth, a clinical feature of many craniofacial syndromes.


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