Scissor bite in humans and its effects
- Scissor bite does not significantly influence the facial profile in humans.
- Chewing habits are affected due to lack of contact between molars.

Treatment options for scissor bite
- Treatment options for scissor bite may include using expansion devices for the lower arch.
- Orthodontic treatment with the use of cross-elastics can also be effective.
- Temporary Anchorage Devices (TADs) have been shown to correct scissor bite in humans.
- A new method using Temporary Anchorage Devices (TADs) has been successful in correcting scissor bite.
- Orthodontic mini-implants can be used to treat severe scissor bite in adult patients.
- Nonsurgical treatment options can be effective for unilateral scissor bite in growing patients.
- Miniscrew anchorage has been used for scissor-bite correction.
- Oral habits related to Brodie syndrome can be corrected with orthodontic treatment.

References on scissor bite
- Jung, Min-Ho (2011-04-01). Treatment of severe scissor bite in a middle-aged adult patient with orthodontic mini-implants.
- Oualalou, Y.; Benyahia, H.; Zaoui, F. (2015-09-01). Orthodontic correction of a Brodie syndrome case related to oral habits.
- Li, Huang; Wang, Qian; Wu, Tuojiang (2014-04-01). Nonsurgical treatment of unilateral scissor bite in a growing patient.
- Kalia, Ajit; Sharif, Kanaan (2012-09-01). Scissor-bite correction using miniscrew anchorage.
- Retrieved from
- American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics (139, 4 Suppl): S154–165

Journal sources on scissor bite
- Jung, Min-Ho (2011-04-01). Treatment of severe scissor bite in a middle-aged adult patient with orthodontic mini-implants.
- Oualalou, Y.; Benyahia, H.; Zaoui, F. (2015-09-01). Orthodontic correction of a Brodie syndrome case related to oral habits.
- Li, Huang; Wang, Qian; Wu, Tuojiang (2014-04-01). Nonsurgical treatment of unilateral scissor bite in a growing patient.
- Kalia, Ajit; Sharif, Kanaan (2012-09-01). Scissor-bite correction using miniscrew anchorage.
- American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics (139, 4 Suppl): S154–165

Categorization of scissor bite
- Scissor bite falls under the category of Orthodontics.
- It is a dental condition that requires orthodontic treatment.
- The correction of scissor bite is an important aspect of orthodontics.
- Orthodontic techniques and devices are used to treat scissor bite.
- Scissor bite can be effectively managed through orthodontic interventions.

Scissor bite (Wikipedia)

Scissor bite is a type of bite seen in some mammals such as dogs and humans. This type of bite involves outward positioning of the upper posterior teeth and inward positioning of the lower posterior teeth. The reason for this happening is an expanded upper arch and constricted lower arch.

Scissor bite (Wiktionary)


Alternative forms


scissors +‎ bite. From the teeth positioning overlapping like scissors, between the outward upper teeth and the inward lower teeth.


scissor bite (plural scissor bites)

  1. A slight overbite.


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