Significance and Associations
- Sebaceous adenomas are associated with Muir-Torre syndrome, a genetic condition predisposing individuals to cancer.
- It is also linked to hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (Lynch syndrome).
- Sebaceous adenomas are not significant on their own.

Misnomer and Differentiation
- Adenoma sebaceum by F. Balzer and P.E. Ménétrier (1885) is not the same as sebaceous adenoma.
- Adenoma sebaceum is a misnomer for facial angiofibromas associated with tuberous sclerosis complex.

Related Conditions
- Sebaceous carcinoma
- Sebaceous hyperplasia
- List of cutaneous conditions
- List of cutaneous neoplasms associated with systemic syndromes

- Balzer F.; Ménétrier P. (1885). Étude sur un cas dadénomes sébacés de la face et du cuir. Archives de Physiologie normale et pathologique. Paris. 6 (3): 564–676.
- James, William D.; Berger, Timothy G.; et al. (2006). Andrews Diseases of the Skin: clinical Dermatology. Saunders Elsevier. ISBN 0-7216-2921-0.
- Morgan, J.E.; Wolfort F. (1979). The Early History of Tuberous Sclerosis. Arch Dermatol. 115 (11): 1317–1319. doi:10.1001/archderm.1979.04010110023018. PMID 389165.
- Rapini, Ronald P.; Bolognia, Jean L.; Jorizzo, Joseph L. (2007). Dermatology: 2-Volume Set. St. Louis: Mosby. pp. 1702, 1703. ISBN 978-1-4160-2999-1.
- Sami, David; Vivian, Antony; Taylor, David; Saunders, Down (1993). 36. The Phakomatoses. In Duane, Thomas (ed.). Duanes Clinical Ophthalmology. Vol.5. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. ISBN 039757245X.

Footnotes and Additional Details
- Balzer and Menetrier (1885) described the microscopic appearance of facial papules as adenoma sebaceum, although they are actually angiofibromas.
- Facial angiofibromas are benign tumorous nodules of superfluous tissue, known as hamartomas.
- Facial angiofibromas were first described in 1885 by Balzer and Menetrier.

Sebaceous adenoma (Wikipedia)

A sebaceous adenoma, a type of adenoma, a cutaneous condition characterized by a slow-growing tumor usually presenting as a pink, flesh-coloured, or yellow papule or nodule.

Sebaceous adenoma
Micrograph of a sebaceous adenoma. H&E stain.
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