References and Citations
- Standring, Susan (2020). Gray's Anatomy: The Anatomical Basis of Clinical Practice (42nd ed.). New York. p.581. ISBN978-0-7020-7707-4. OCLC1201341621.
- Gray, Henry (1918). Gray's Anatomy (20th ed.). p.905.
- - Retrieved 2023-08-04.
- Dartmouth College - Human Anatomy Figures - Chapter 47
- Wikipedia - Stylohyoid branch of facial nerve article
- Neuroanatomy stub article on Wikipedia
- Wikipedia - Article revision history
- Wikipedia - Categories: Facial nerve, Neuroanatomy stubs

External Links
- Wikipedia - Stylohyoid branch of facial nerve article

Book Citation
- Standring, Susan (2020). Gray's Anatomy: The Anatomical Basis of Clinical Practice (42nd ed.). New York. p.581. ISBN978-0-7020-7707-4. OCLC1201341621.

Author Citation
- Gray, Henry (1918). Gray's Anatomy (20th ed.). p.905.

Website Citation
- - Retrieved 2023-08-04.

The stylohyoid branch of facial nerve provides motor innervation to the stylohyoid muscle. It frequently arises from the facial nerve (CN VII) in common with the digastric branch of facial nerve.

Stylohyoid branch of facial nerve
Plan of the facial and intermediate nerves and their communication with other nerves. ("To stylohyoid" labeled at bottom left.)
Fromfacial nerve
Latinramus stylohyoideus nervi facialis
Anatomical terms of neuroanatomy

It is long and slender. It enters the stylohyoid muscle at the middle portion of the muscle.

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