Cusp of Carabelli
- The Cusp of Carabelli is a trait found on the first upper molars.
- It is named after Salomon Carabelli, a Hungarian dentist.
- The trait is characterized by an extra cusp on the lingual surface of the tooth.
- The prevalence of the Cusp of Carabelli varies among populations.
- It can be used as a dental trait for anthropological and forensic purposes.

References and ISBN Numbers
- The American Journal of Physical Anthropology published a study on dental morphology in 2011.
- Geoffrey Van Beek wrote a book called 'Dental Morphology, An Illustrated Guide' in 2008.
- Simon Hillson's book 'Dental Anthropology' provides valuable information on the subject.
- 'The Juvenile Skeleton' by Simon Hillson also discusses dental anthropology.
- 'A Dictionary of Dentistry' is a useful reference for dental terminology.
- The book 'Dental Anthropology' by Simon Hillson has the ISBN 0-521-45194-9.
- 'The Juvenile Skeleton' has the ISBN 0121028216.
- 'Dental Morphology, An Illustrated Guide' has the ISBN 9780723606666.
- 'A Dictionary of Dentistry' has the ISBN 0199533016.
- 'Evidence-Based Forensic Dentistry' has the ISBN 9783642289934.

Dental Anthropology
- Dental anthropology is a field that studies teeth and their significance in anthropology.
- It involves analyzing dental traits, morphology, and variation among populations.
- Dental anthropology can provide insights into human evolution, migration, and health.
- The study of dental anthropology can be useful in forensic investigations.
- Dental traits can be used to determine age, sex, and ancestry of individuals.

Wikipedia Article
- The Wikipedia article on Zuckerkandl's tubercle is a stub.
- The article provides limited information on the topic.
- The article's short description is different from the information in the infobox.
- The article is categorized under 'Parts of tooth' and 'Dentistry stubs.'
- All stub articles on Wikipedia are considered incomplete and need expansion.

The Zuckerkandl's tubercle is a small cervical tubercle at the mesiobuccal crown margin of maxillary and mandibular deciduous first molars over the mesial root. It is one of the key identifying features of the teeth. The tubercle is always present, regardless of age or ethnicity

Zuckerkandl's tubercle
Anatomical terminology
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