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Ceramic Braces London

Teeth straightening is for all ages and no longer just the domain of the teenager. For most patients, fixed braces are what they think of when considering tooth straightening but usually with unsightly metal brackets and wires. Now it's time to think ahead to beautiful cosmetic braces!

Ceramic braces are beautiful cosmetic alternatives to the metal braces most of us recognise. The brackets are constructed out of  a high quality ceramic in a cream colour that will blend in with the colour of your teeth. They are not invisible but from a distance no one would be able to see you are having this treatment. The brackets are still strong and durable and together with tooth coloured wires can straighten your teeth in comfort and with speed. As with all our orthodontic treatments our highly skilled and experienced team will help guide you as to which type of teeth straightening treatment is for you. This might be a stand alone treatment or as part of a more complex smile makeover transformation.

At your assessment consultation we will discuss all the possible treatment options including costs and timings to ensure you are fully informed about your choices. Your orthodontic treatment will be carried out by our Orthodontic Specialist Dr Ennis who together with Dr Ope Sodeinde will help guide you in the treatment process. Once you have decided on a plan the orthodontic brackets and wires will be placed on your teeth and your teeth will start to move into alignment. You will be amazed at the progress and how quickly your smile starts to improve. We will see you regularly throughout the treatment journey for alterations and adjustments and share the joy of your beautiful smile.

Our Ceramic Braces Patient Stories

Hear for yourself the experience our patients had receiving ceramic braces at London Dental Specialists

Andy is one of our lovely patients who has always been bothered with the appearance of his teeth.

Dr Ciara took time to guide Andy through his options and they decided together that ceramic braces were the best option for him. Andy had to wear the ceramic braces for only 7 months for correcting his misaligned upper and lower teeth.


Yes treatment with ceramic braces will progress at the same rate as it would with metal braces. The length of treatment time will depend on how misaligned your teeth are but average times are from 6 to 18 months.All fixed braces produce some discomfort once they are fitted and your teeth start to move. You may also find some discomfort from the bracket rubbing on your cheek or lip. The discomfort is mild though and will settle in a day or two.We use very high quality brackets that are stain resistant, it is true that some inferior brands do cause some terrible discolouration. We will also show you how to clean your teeth and braces to ensure you keep the colour of your braces and teeth as bright as possible.We will routinely see patients with ceramic braces every 4-8 weeks for adjustments and checks. Modern orthodontic technology allows us to increase the times between visits and so less time in the surgery for you.


Ceramic Braces London FAQ



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