Anatomy and Course
- The anterior superior alveolar nerve branches from the infraorbital nerve within the infraorbital canal.
- It enters the canalis sinuosus and passes towards the nose before branching into innervating branches for the upper/maxillary incisor and canine teeth.
- It usually innervates all the anterior teeth.
- A nasal branch passes through a canal in the lateral wall of the inferior nasal meatus and innervates the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity.
- The nasal branch also innervates the adjacent portion of the nasal septum.
- The nerve participates in the formation of the superior dental plexus.
- It loops posteriorly to communicate with the middle superior alveolar nerve.
- The nasal branch communicates with nasal branches of the sphenopalatine ganglion.

- The anterior superior alveolar nerve communicates with the middle superior alveolar nerve.
- It also communicates with the nasal branches of the sphenopalatine ganglion.

Related Terms
- Anterior superior alveolar arteries
- Alveolar nerve (Dental nerve)
- Superior alveolar nerve (Superior dental nerve)
- Middle superior alveolar nerve (Middle superior dental nerve)
- Posterior superior alveolar nerve (Posterior superior dental nerve)

- Jones, Frederic Wood (July 1939). The anterior superior alveolar nerve and vessels. Journal of Anatomy. 73 (Pt 4): 583–591.
- Standring, Susan (2020). Gray's Anatomy: The Anatomical Basis of Clinical Practice (42nd ed.). New York. p. 656.
- Gray, Henry (1918). Gray's Anatomy (20th ed.). p. 891.

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The anterior superior alveolar nerve (or anterior superior dental nerve) is a branch of the infraorbital nerve (itself a branch of the maxillary nerve (CN V2)). It passes through the canalis sinuosus to reach and innervate upper front teeth. Through its nasal branch, it also innervates parts of the nasal cavity.

Anterior superior alveolar nerve
Distribution of the maxillary and mandibular nerves, and the submaxillary ganglion.
FromInfraorbital nerve
Innervatesdental alveolus
Latinrami alveolares superiores anteriores nervi maxillaris, ramus alveolaris superior anteriores
Anatomical terms of neuroanatomy
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