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History and Researchers
- Wayne A Bolton presented analysis in 1958
- Published a paper on clinical applications in 1962
- Graduated from Washington University in St. Louis dental school in 1950
- Researchers involved: Charles B. Bolton, Holly Broadbent Sr., Allan G. Brodie, Charles J. Burstone, Peter Buschang, Calvin Case, Harold Chapman (Orthodontist), David Di Biase, Jean Delaire, Terry Dischinger

- Overall Analysis:
- Measures sum of mesio-distal width of all 12 mandibular teeth
- Compares to 12 maxillary teeth
- Overall ratio known to be 91.3%
- Anterior Analysis:
- Measures sum of mesio-distal width of front 6 mandibular teeth
- Compares to maxillary teeth
- Anterior ratio known to be 77.2%
- Different ratio than normal referred to as Bolton Discrepancy
- Standard deviation of more than 2 yields significant discrepancy

- Sample measured by Bolton in 1958 consisted of only Caucasian population
- Bolton ratios not representative of other races and populations
- Samples with perfect malocclusion yield high discrepancy compared to Bolton ratios
- Majority of populations usually not ideal compared to his ratios

- Boley gauge is the instrument of choice for measurement
- Shellhart et al. showed Vernier caliper as an alternative in 1995

- Nalacci, Ruhi (2013). Comparison of Bolton analysis and tooth size measurements obtained using conventional and three-dimensional orthodontic models.
- Bolton, Wayne (1958). Disharmony In Tooth Size And Its Relation To Treatment of Malocclusion.
- Shellhart, WC (1995). Reliability of the Bolton tooth‑size analysis when applied to crowded dentitions.
- Champagne, M (1992). Reliability of measurements from photocopies of study models.
- Ebadifar, Asghar (2013). Comparison of Boltons Ratios before and after Treatment in an Iranian Population.

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