[GROUP 1: Signs and symptoms]
- Occurs in people under the age of 25, particularly males
- Involves the permanent mandibular molars or premolars
- Involved tooth usually has a vital pulp
- Attached to the tooth root and may cause resorption
- Usually asymptomatic, but may be associated with diffuse pain and tooth mobility

[GROUP 2: Diagnosis]
- Radiograph appearance: well-defined, markedly radiopaque mass
- Radiolucent peripheral line overlies and obliterates the tooth root
- Rounded or sunburst appearance
- Apparent external resorption of the root where the tumor and root join
- Consider differential diagnosis with severe hypercementosis and chronic focal sclerosing osteomyelitis

[GROUP 3: Treatment]
- Surgical enucleation of the lesion
- Depending on clinical circumstances, may involve removal of the involved tooth
- Incomplete removal may lead to recurrence
- Some surgeons advocate curettage after tooth extraction to decrease recurrence rate

[GROUP 4: Related Concepts]
- Cementum
- Cementogenesis
- Cementoblast

[GROUP 5: References]
- Silva, Brunno Santos Freitas et al. (2017). 'Differential diagnosis and clinical management of periapical radiopaque/hyperdense jaw lesions.' Brazilian Oral Research, 31: e52
- Sankari Leena S, Ramakrishnan K (2011). 'Benign cementoblastoma.' Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, 15 (3): 358–360
- Huber AR, Folk GS (2009). 'Cementoblastoma.' Head Neck Pathol, 3 (2): 133–5
- External links: Classification, ICD-10: D16.4-D16.5, ICD-9-CM: 213.0-213.1

Cementoblastoma (Wikipedia)

Cementoblastoma, or benign cementoblastoma, is a relatively rare benign neoplasm of the cementum of the teeth. It is derived from ectomesenchyme of odontogenic origin. Cementoblastomas represent less than 0.69–8% of all odontogenic tumors.

Cone beam CT images showing a well-defined hyperdense round lesion attached to the root of supernumerary mandibular tooth (arrow head) with a surrounding hypodense rim.
Cementoblastoma (Wiktionary)



cementoblastoma (plural cementoblastomas or cementoblastomata)

  1. A benign neoplasm of the cementum of the teeth.
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