Characteristics and Differentiation Potential of Dental Pulp Stem Cells
- Dental pulp stem cells can form embryoid body-like structures and differentiate into mesoderm, endoderm, and ectoderm layers.
- They can differentiate into odontoblasts, neural progenitors, osteoblasts, chondrocytes, and adipocytes.
- Dental pulp stem cells exhibit elevated amounts of cell cycling molecules.
- They have lower immunogenicity than MSCs.
- Dental pulp stem cells have multilineage differentiation potential and can differentiate into osteoblasts, chondrocytes, adipocytes, and neural cells.
- Dental pulp stem cells expressing SIRT1 can improve new bone formation.
- 3D and hypoxic environments can enhance osteogenesis in dental pulp stem cells.
- Dental pulp stem cells express odontogenic and osteogenic markers.

Applications of Dental Pulp Stem Cells
- Dental pulp stem cells have shown success in partial regeneration of dental tissues.
- They are a promising source for endogenous tissue engineering.
- Dental pulp stem cells can contribute to functional recovery after traumatic brain injury.
- Stem cells from exfoliated deciduous teeth can ameliorate type II diabetic mellitus.
- Dental pulp stem cells can correct immune imbalance in allergic rhinitis.
- Hepatically differentiated dental pulp stem cells can regulate liver cirrhosis.
- Dental pulp stem cells can improve left ventricular function and induce angiogenesis in acute myocardial infarction.
- Dental pulp stem cells have shown promise in tooth regeneration and repair.
- They can be used in bone tissue engineering for dental applications.
- Dental pulp stem cells can be used to regenerate dental pulp tissue.
- Stem cells from exfoliated deciduous teeth can be used for bone regeneration.
- Dental pulp cells produce neurotrophic factors and can interact with trigeminal neurons.
- Dental pulp stem cells can rescue motoneurons after spinal cord injury.
- Dental pulp stem cells can be used for the reconstruction of large cranial defects.
- Stem cells from exfoliated deciduous teeth can decrease hydrogen peroxide-induced damage in brain slice cultures.
- Dental pulp stem cells can be used for the treatment of allergic rhinitis and liver cirrhosis.

Comparison of Dental Pulp Stem Cells with Other Stem Cells
- Dental pulp stem cells have been compared to bone marrow stromal stem cells.
- Both types of stem cells have similar gene expression profiles.
- Dental pulp stem cells have a higher capacity for mineralization than bone marrow stromal stem cells.
- Dental pulp stem cells can be easily obtained from extracted teeth.
- Dental pulp stem cells have greater potential for tooth regeneration and repair.
- Dental pulp stem cells are easier to obtain compared to other sources, such as bone marrow.
- They have a higher proliferation rate than other stem cell sources.
- Dental pulp stem cells have a lower risk of immune rejection.
- They can be isolated from extracted teeth, providing a non-controversial source.
- Compared to embryonic stem cells, dental pulp stem cells raise fewer ethical concerns.

Distraction Osteogenesis and Calcined Tooth Powder
- Distraction osteogenesis is a method of bone regeneration.
- Dental pulp stem cells transfected with Sirtuin-1 (SIRT1) promote bone formation during distraction osteogenesis.
- SIRT1 regulates MSCs into osteoblasts.
- Dental pulp stem cells enhance the efficiency of distraction osteogenesis.
- Dental pulp stem cells show higher levels of calcium accumulation after osteogenic differentiation.
- Calcined tooth powder (CTP) is obtained by burning extracted teeth.
- Tooth ash from CTP promotes bone repair.
- CTP-CM (calcined tooth powder-culture media) increases osteo/odontogenic markers in dental pulp stem cells.
- CTP-CM does not affect dental pulp stem cell proliferation.
- CTP-CM has potential in enhancing bone repair.

Stem Cells from Human Exfoliated Deciduous Teeth (SHED)
- SHED are derived from baby teeth.
- SHED can differentiate into osteocytes, adipocytes, odontoblasts, and chondrocytes.
- SHED have enhanced proliferative capabilities compared to dental pulp stem cells.
- SHED display increased levels of neuronal protection under oxidative stress.
- SHED have potential therapeutic use in neurodegenerative disorders, type II diabetes mellitus, allergic rhinitis, and liver cirrhosis.

Dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs) are stem cells present in the dental pulp, which is the soft living tissue within teeth. DPSCs can be collected from dental pulp by means of a non-invasive practice. It can be performed with an adult after simple extraction or to the young after surgical extraction of wisdom teeth. They are pluripotent, as they can form embryoid body-like structures (EBs) in vitro and teratoma-like structures that contained tissues derived from all three embryonic germ layers when injected in nude mice. DPSCs can differentiate in vitro into tissues that have similar characteristics to mesoderm, endoderm and ectoderm layers. They can differentiate into many cell types, such as odontoblasts, neural progenitors, osteoblasts, chondrocytes, and adipocytes. DPSCs were found to be able to differentiate into adipocytes and neural-like cells. DPSC differentiation into osteogenic lines is enhanced in 3D condition and hypoxia. These cells can be obtained from postnatal teeth, wisdom teeth, and deciduous teeth, providing researchers with a non-invasive method of extracting stem cells. The different cell populations, however, differ in certain aspects of their growth rate in culture, marker gene expression and cell differentiation, although the extent to which these differences can be attributed to tissue of origin, function or culture conditions remains unclear. As a result, DPSCs have been thought of as an extremely promising source of cells used in endogenous tissue engineering.

Studies have shown that the proliferation rate of DPSCs is 30% higher than in other stem cells, such as bone marrow stromal stem cells (BMSSCs). These characteristics of DPSCs are mainly due to the fact that they exhibit elevated amounts of cell cycling molecules, one being cyclin-dependent kinase 6 (CDK6), present in the dental pulp tissue. Additionally, DPSCs have displayed lower immunogenicity than MSCs.

Atari et al., established a protocol for isolating and identifying the subpopulations of dental pulp pluripotent-like stem cells (DPPSC). These cells are SSEA4+, OCT3/4+, NANOG+, SOX2+, LIN28+, CD13+, CD105+, CD34-, CD45-, CD90+, CD29+, CD73+, STRO1+, and CD146-, and they show genetic stability in vitro based on genomic analysis with a newly described CGH technique.

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