Ectomesenchyme and its origin
- Ectomesenchyme
- Mesenchyme
- Dermis
- Dermatomal mesenchyme

Development of skin
- Skin
- Overview
- Epidermis
- Ectoderm
- Neural crest

Skin appendages
- Skin appendage
- Hair
- Growth
- Nail

- Weston JA, Yoshida H, Robinson V, Nishikawa S, Fraser ST, Nishikawa S (2004). Neural crest and the origin of ectomesenchyme: neural fold heterogeneity suggests an alternative hypothesis.
- Dev. Dyn. 229 (1): 118–30. doi:10.1002/dvdy.10478. PMID14699583. S2CID12781111.
- Retrieved from

Categories and hidden category
- Categories: Developmental biology, Developmental biology stubs
- All stub articles

Ectomesenchyme (Wikipedia)

Ectomesenchyme has properties similar to mesenchyme. The origin of the ectomesenchyme is disputed. It is either like the mesenchyme, arising from mesodermic cells, or conversely arising from neural crest cells. The neural crest is a critical group of cells that form in the cranial region during early vertebrate development. Ectomesenchyme plays a critical role in the formation of the hard and soft tissues of the head and neck, such as bones, muscles, teeth, and notably, the pharyngeal arches.

Latinectomesenchyma; mesenchyma cristae neuralis
Anatomical terminology
Ectomesenchyme (Wiktionary)



ecto- +‎ mesenchyme


ectomesenchyme (uncountable)

  1. (anatomy) A form of mesenchyme, in the embryo, consisting of neural crest cells; forms the tissues of the neck and cranium
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