Empyema classification
- Empyema occurs in the pleural cavity (pleural empyema also known as pyothorax)
- Empyema occurs in the thoracic cavity
- Empyema occurs in the uterus (pyometra)
- Empyema occurs in the appendix (appendicitis)
- Empyema occurs in the meninges (subdural empyema)

- Empyema information can be found on nhs.uk
- The article was retrieved on October 18, 2017
- The reference provides valuable information about empyema
- The source is reliable and credible
- The information can be accessed in 2024

External links
- More information about empyema classification can be found on the ICD-10 website
- The MeSH database also provides information on empyema
- External resources are available for further research
- MedlinePlus offers information on empyema (code: 000123)
- The American Association for Thoracic Surgery provides guidelines for empyema management

Journal article
- The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery published a consensus guideline for empyema management
- The article was written by multiple authors
- The publication date is February 2017
- The article provides valuable insights into empyema management
- The article has been cited by other researchers (PMID: 28274565)

- Empyema is considered an immunology stub
- The article is categorized under immune system topics
- Empyema is a medical terminology
- The article has certain hidden categories
- The article is classified as a stub article

Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
empyema (noun)
the presence of pus in a bodily cavity
Empyema (Wikipedia)

An empyema (/ˌɛmpˈmə/) is a collection or gathering of pus within a naturally existing anatomical cavity. The term is most commonly used to refer to pleural empyema, which is empyema of the pleural cavity. It must be differentiated from an abscess, which is a collection of pus in a newly formed cavity. The term is from Greek ἐμπύημα, "abscess".

SpecialtyPulmonology, Infectious disease
Empyema (Wiktionary)



From Ancient Greek ἐμπύημα (empúēma, gathering, abscess).



empyema (plural

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