Education and Scholarship
- Graduated from New York University College of Dentistry in 1972
- Completed postgraduate periodontal training from the Eastman Dental Center in Rochester, New York in 1980
- Received a Masters degree from the University of Rochester the following year
- Completed an implant fellowship in 2008 from NYU under the tutelage of Drs. Dennis Tarnow and John Cavallaro
- Published over 130 articles related to periodontics and implant dentistry

- Clinical professor of dental medicine at Columbia University College of Dental Medicine
- Maintains a private practice limited to periodontics and implant dentistry in Freehold, New Jersey
- Recipient of the William J. Gies Award from the American Academy of Periodontology for contributions to literature in 1997
- Received the Hirschfeld Award in 2000 from Northeast Society of Periodontists
- Awarded the Fellowship Award in 2000 from the American Academy of Periodontology

Awards and Recognition
- Received the Distinguished Service Award in 2010 from the American Academy of Periodontology
- Awarded the Gold Medal in 2018 from the American Academy of Periodontology, the highest award given by the Academy
- Recognized with the Capnocytophaga sp.
- Honored with the Preston D. Miller Award
- Received the Willoughby D. Miller Award

Influential Figures in the Field
- Carl E. Misch
- John Mankey Riggs
- Jay Seibert
- Jørgen Slots
- Paul Roscoe Stillman

Other Specialties
- Endodontology
- Orthodontology
- Prosthodontology

Gary Greenstein (Wikipedia)

Gary Greenstein is an American periodontist known for his scholarship and contribution to evidence-based periodontal and dental implant literature.

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