Journal of Endodontics
- Established in 1975
- Official publication of the American Association of Endodontists
- Peer-reviewed scientific journal
- Covers topics related to endodontics and dental pulp
- Indexed in major scientific databases

Journal Citation Reports
- Provides information on the impact factor of scientific journals
- Published annually by Clarivate Analytics
- Measures the influence and prestige of a journal
- Helps researchers evaluate the quality of scientific articles
- Used by institutions for academic evaluations and funding decisions

Web of Science
- Online scientific citation indexing service
- Provides access to a vast collection of research literature
- Includes articles from various disciplines
- Helps researchers discover relevant studies and build on existing knowledge
- Offers tools for citation analysis and tracking research trends

Thomson Reuters
- Multinational media and information company
- Former owner of the Web of Science
- Known for its expertise in providing research and business information
- Offers services in areas such as finance, legal, and healthcare
- Provides data and insights to support decision-making processes

2020 Journal Citation Reports
- Latest edition of the Journal Citation Reports
- Includes impact factor data for journals in various disciplines
- Enables comparison of journals within a specific field
- Assists researchers in selecting reputable journals for publication
- Helps institutions assess the research output of their faculty and departments

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