Medical uses of laser gingivectomy
- Treatment for a gummy smile caused by excessive gum coverage of tooth crown, particularly in the upper front incisors.
- Correction of gum overgrowth resulting from oral hygiene issues, drug usage, or hereditary medical conditions.
- Surgical exposure of teeth with delayed eruption or superficial impaction to aid orthodontic treatment and tooth eruption.
- Minimally invasive removal of papillary gingival hyperplasia using CO2 laser.
- Combined treatment approach of gingivectomy and CO2 laser for cyclosporine-induced gingival overgrowth.

References on laser gingivectomy
- Hempton, TJ, Dominici, JT (2010). Contemporary crown-lengthening therapy: a review.
- Borzabadi-Farahani, A. (2022). A Scoping Review of the Efficacy of Diode Lasers Used for Minimally Invasive Exposure of Impacted Teeth or Teeth with Delayed Eruption.
- Kilinc E, Rothrock J, Migliorati E, Drukteinis S, Roshkind DM, Bradley P (2012). Potential surface alteration effects of laser-assisted periodontal surgery on existing dental restorations.
- Arnabat-Domínguez J, España-Tost AJ, Berini-Aytés L, Gay-Escoda C (2003). Erbium:YAG laser application in the second phase of implant surgery: a pilot study in 20 patients.
- Jetter C. (2008). Soft-tissue management using an Er,Cr:YSGG laser during restorative procedures.

Effectiveness of laser gingivectomy
- A study on the effectiveness of CO2 laser in removing phenytoin hyperplasia.
- Effectiveness of CO2 laser in removal of papillary gingival hyperplasia.
- Periodontal and peri-implant wound healing following laser therapy.
- The adjunctive soft-tissue diode laser in orthodontics.
- Hereditary gingival fibromatosis: A systematic review.

Lasers in orthodontics
- Lasers used as an adjunctive tool in orthodontic treatment.
- Diode lasers used for minimally invasive exposure of impacted teeth or teeth with delayed eruption.
- The use of lasers in orthodontic procedures.
- The benefits of using lasers in orthodontics.
- The role of lasers in improving orthodontic outcomes.

Additional information
- Laser gingivectomy is a dentistry procedure commonly used in periodontology.
- The procedure has been reviewed and studied in various research articles.
- Laser gingivectomy can be performed with different types of lasers, such as CO2, diode, erbium:YAG, and Er,Cr:YSGG lasers.
- The technique is considered minimally invasive and can provide precise and controlled tissue removal.
- Laser gingivectomy has shown promising results in various dental applications, including crown-lengthening therapy and implant surgery.

Laser gingivectomy (Wikipedia)

Laser gingivectomy is a dental procedure that recontours or scalpels the gingival tissue to improve long term dental health or aesthetics. Compared to conventional scalpel surgery, soft-tissue dental lasers, such as Laser diode, Nd:YAG laser, Er:YAG laser, Er,Cr:YSGG laser, and CO2 lasers, can perform this procedure, offering a precise, stable, bloodless, often less painful, and accelerated healing experience. However, the Laser diode gained more popularity due to its versatility, less interaction with hard tissue, ease of use, and the less expensive set up.

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