Introduction to Microsurgical Endodontics
- Microsurgical endodontics emerged after the introduction of the Surgical Operating Microscope (SOM) in the early 1990s.
- SOMs provide better visualization and management of the surgical field during endodontic procedures through magnification and improved lighting.
- Surgical operating microscopes typically offer magnification in the range of 4X to 25X.
- Through lens eyeglass mounted surgical telescopes are another commonly used magnification aide, providing 2.5X to 4.5X magnification.
- Mastery of surgical operating microscopes requires training, patience, and practice.

Benefits of Microsurgical Endodontics
- Some studies have shown higher success rates in surgical procedures using SOMs compared to direct vision.
- The use of SOMs allows for enhanced precision and accuracy in endodontic procedures.
- Magnification provided by SOMs enables better identification and treatment of anatomical complexities.
- Improved lighting with SOMs enhances visibility and reduces the risk of errors.
- Microsurgical endodontics can lead to improved patient outcomes and reduced post-operative complications.

Limitations of Microsurgical Endodontics
- The use of surgical operating microscopes is not considered the standard of care in endodontics.
- Surgical operating microscopes have a steep learning curve and require specialised training.
- Incorporating SOMs into routine endodontic procedures may increase treatment time.
- Cost can be a limiting factor for widespread adoption of microsurgical endodontics.
- Some endodontists may prefer alternative methods due to personal preferences or lack of access to appropriate equipment.

Research and Evidence
- Selbst AG, Curd CM published an article on the use of surgical operating microscopes in endodontics in the Journal of the Greater Houston Dental Society in 1994.
- Rubinstein RA, Kim S conducted a long-term follow-up study on cases considered healed one year after apical microsurgery, published in the Journal of Endodontics in 2002.
- Guttman, JL discussed the magnification in endodontics and its potential narrow focus in an article published in Endodontology in 2005.
- These studies contribute to the body of evidence supporting the benefits of microsurgical endodontics.
- Further research is needed to explore the long-term outcomes and cost-effectiveness of microsurgical endodontics.

Additional Information
- Microsurgical endodontics is a specialised field within endodontics.
- This article on microsurgical endodontics is a stub and can be expanded with more information.
- The use of surgical operating microscopes is categorised under the field of endodontics.
- Microsurgical endodontics is a subtopic within the broader field of dentistry.
- Wikipedia provides additional information on microsurgical endodontics in this article.

Microsurgical endodontics is that aspect of endodontics which evolved after the introduction of the Surgical Operating Microscope (SOM) to endodontics in the early 1990s. The recent addition of SOM's to endodontic therapy can allow better visualization and management of the surgical field by endodontists during endodontic procedures through magnification and greatly improved high intensity lighting. SOM's typically magnify in the 4X to 25X range. The other commonly used magnification aide, through lens eyeglass mounted surgical telescopes, provide 2.5X to 4.5X magnification. Surgical operating microscopes have a steep learning curve and require training, as well as patience and practice to master.

Some studies have demonstrated higher success rates in surgical procedures using SOM's when compared to direct vision. However, use of the surgical operating microscope routinely for endodontic procedures is not considered the standard of care in endodontics.

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