Signs and symptoms
- Size of oral mucoceles vary from 1mm to several centimeters
- Mucoceles are slightly transparent with a blue tinge
- Mucoceles may appear fluctuant on palpation, but can also be firm
- Duration of mucoceles can last from days to years
- Mucoceles may have recurrent swelling with occasional rupturing of its contents

- Most common location for mucoceles is the inner surface of the lower lip
- Mucoceles can also be found on the inner side of the cheek (buccal mucosa)
- Other locations include the anterior ventral tongue and the floor of the mouth
- Mucoceles found on the floor of the mouth are referred to as ranulas
- Rarely found on the upper lip, but can occur in paranasal sinuses

- Superficial mucoceles can be found on the palate, retromolar pad, and posterior buccal mucosa
- Superficial mucoceles present as single or multiple vesicles that burst into an ulcer
- Superficial mucoceles often recur in the same location
- Other causes of bumps inside lips include aphthous ulcer, lipoma, benign tumors of salivary glands, submucous abscesses, and haemangiomas

- Microscopically, mucoceles appear as granulation tissue surrounding mucin
- Inflammation usually accompanies mucoceles, with presence of neutrophils and foamy histiocytes
- On a CT scan, mucoceles appear fairly homogenous with an attenuation of about 10-18 Hounsfield units
- Mucoceles are classified as salivary gland disorders
- Histopathologic examination can confirm the diagnosis of mucocele

- Some mucoceles spontaneously resolve on their own
- Chronic mucoceles may require surgical removal
- Adjacent salivary gland may be excised as a preventive measure to reduce recurrence
- Surgical removal procedures include laser and minimally invasive techniques
- Micromarsupialization is an alternative procedure that uses silk sutures to create new drainage pathways

Oral mucocele (Wikipedia)

Oral mucocele (also mucous extravasation cyst, mucous cyst of the oral mucosa, and mucous retention and extravasation phenomena.) is a condition caused by two related phenomena - mucus extravasation phenomenon and mucous retention cyst.

Mucous cyst of the oral mucocele
A mucocele on the lower lip.
SpecialtyOral and maxillofacial surgery Edit this on Wikidata

Mucous extravasation phenomenon is a swelling of connective tissue consisting of a collection of fluid called mucus. This occurs because of a ruptured salivary gland duct usually caused by local trauma (damage) in the case of mucous extravasation phenomenon and an obstructed or ruptured salivary duct in the case of a mucus retention cyst. The mucocele has a bluish, translucent color, and is more commonly found in children and young adults.

Although these lesions are often called cysts, mucoceles are not true cysts because they have no epithelial lining. Rather, they are polyps.

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