Pocket Reduction Surgery and its Benefits
- Periodontal surgery performed to reduce probeable depth of gingival sulcus
- Allows for less plaque accumulation and better hygiene access
- Eliminates environment favorable for virulent periodontal pathogens
- Helps in preventing periodontal disease progression
- Improves overall oral health

Capnocytophaga sp.
- Bacterial genus commonly found in the oral cavity
- Associated with periodontal disease and infections
- Can cause severe infections in immunocompromised individuals
- Transmitted through animal bites or close contact with pets
- Proper oral hygiene and regular dental check-ups can help prevent Capnocytophaga infections

Notable Dentists in the Field
- Preston D. Miller
- Willoughby D. Miller
- Carl E. Misch
- John Mankey Riggs
- Jay Seibert

Other Specialties in Dentistry
- Endodontology: Focuses on the dental pulp and root canal treatments
- Orthodontology: Deals with the alignment and positioning of teeth
- Prosthodontology: Involves the restoration and replacement of missing teeth
- Periodontology: Concentrates on the prevention and treatment of gum diseases
- Each specialty plays a crucial role in maintaining oral health

References and Categories
- Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Pocket_reduction_surgery&oldid=1182016260
- Category: Periodontology
- Hidden categories: Articles with short description, Short description matches Wikidata
- Proper referencing is important for academic integrity
- Categorization helps in organizing and locating related information

In dentistry, pocket reduction surgery is a periodontal surgery performed in order to reduce the probeable depth of the gingival sulcus (known as a periodontal pocket in disease) to allow for less plaque accumulation and greater access for hygiene. Reducing the depths of the periodontal pockets eliminates an environment that is hospitable for the more virulent periodontal pathogens.

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