Education and Background
- Tomas Albrektsson received a medical degree in 1973.
- He obtained a doctorate in 1979.
- Albrektsson published a thesis on the healing of bone grafts.
- He worked under Brånemark.

Selected Publications
- Albrektsson, Zarb, Worthington, and Eriksson published 'The long-term efficacy of currently used dental implants: a review and proposed criteria of success' in Int J Oral Maxillofac Imp, 1986.
- Albrektsson and Zarb published 'Current interpretations of the osseointegrated response: clinical significance' in Int J Prostho, 1993.
- Albrektsson and Isidor published 'Consensus report of Session IV' in Proceedings of the 1st European Workshop on Periodontology, 1993.
- Albrektsson has multiple publications in the field.

- NSOI: Tomas Albrektsson (Member biography).
- Capnocytophaga sp.
- Preston D. Miller.
- Willoughby D. Miller.
- Carl E. Misch.

Notable Figures in the Field
- John Mankey Riggs.
- Jay Seibert.
- Jørgen Slots.
- Paul Roscoe Stillman.
- Dennis P. Tarnow.

Other Achievements
- Albrektsson has made significant contributions to the field of dental implants.
- His work has been widely recognized and cited.
- He has collaborated with renowned researchers.
- Albrektsson has contributed to the development of criteria for success in dental implants.
- His publications have had a lasting impact on the field.

Tomas Albrektsson (Wikipedia)

Tomas Albrektsson (born August 25, 1945) is a Swedish physician who trained under Per-Ingvar Brånemark and is noteworthy for having contributed significantly to the field of implant dentistry.

Tomas Albrektsson
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