Causes and onset of Pulp Canal Obliteration
- Occurs in response to dental trauma
- Common after replantation of completely avulsed tooth
- Can also occur due to extensive drilling during dental treatment
- Exact causes are unclear
- Starts to occur several months after replantation
Signs and Symptoms of Pulp Canal Obliteration
- Yellow tooth discoloration
- Lack of response to pulp sensibility test
- Lack of visible radiolucency on x-rays
- Often painless condition
- Small risk of pulp necrosis
Management of Pulp Canal Obliteration
- Conservative approach with routine radiographic monitoring
- Root canal treatment may be difficult or impossible
- Regular follow-up to assess the condition
- No specific treatment guidelines
- Individualised management based on patient's needs
Related Condition - Internal Resorption
- Internal resorption is a similar condition affecting the root canal
- Involves the resorption of dentin within the root canal
- Can lead to pulp canal obliteration
- Different causes and treatment approach compared to obliteration
- Both conditions require careful diagnosis and management
- McCabe, PS; Dummer, PM (February 2012). Pulp canal obliteration: an endodontic diagnosis and treatment challenge.
- International Endodontic Journal. 45 (2): 177–97. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2591.2011.01963.x. PMID21999441.
- The Dental Trauma Guide. Copenhagen University Hospital and the International Association of Dental Traumatology. Archived from the original on 12 October 2015. Retrieved 21 October 2015.
- Abd-Elmeguid, A; ElSalhy, M; Yu, DC (2 July 2015). Pulp canal obliteration after replantation of avulsed immature teeth: a systematic review.
- Dental Traumatology. 31 (6): 437–441. doi:10.1111/edt.12199. PMID26134760.