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Systemic diseases associated with periodontitis
- Periodontitis is classified as a manifestation of systemic diseases.
- At least 16 systemic diseases have been linked to periodontitis.
- These diseases contribute to decreased host resistance to infections or dysfunction in gum tissue.
- Examples of systemic diseases associated with periodontitis include diabetes mellitus and hematologic disorders.

Diabetes mellitus and periodontitis
- Individuals with impaired fasting glucose may have a higher degree of periodontal inflammation.
- Diabetes mellitus is associated with an increased risk of periodontitis.
- Proper management of diabetes can help improve periodontal health.
- Periodontal treatment may be necessary for individuals with diabetes to prevent complications.
- Regular dental visits and good oral hygiene are important for individuals with diabetes.

Hematologic disorders and periodontitis
- Acquired neutropenia is a hematologic disorder associated with periodontitis.
- Leukemia is another hematologic disorder that can manifest as periodontitis.
- Coordination with a patient's physician is crucial for planning periodontal treatment in cases of hematologic disorders.
- Periodontal therapy should be avoided during periods of exacerbation of the malignancy or active phases of chemotherapy.
- Antimicrobial therapy may be considered when urgent treatment is required and granulocyte counts are low.

Coronary heart diseases and periodontitis
- There is an epidemiological association between periodontitis and coronary heart diseases.
- A causative connection between the two has not been proven yet.
- Periodontal diseases may contribute to the development or progression of coronary heart diseases.
- Proper management of periodontitis may help reduce the risk of coronary heart diseases.
- Regular dental visits and good oral hygiene are important for individuals at risk of coronary heart diseases.

Cerebrovascular diseases and erectile dysfunction
- There is an epidemiological association between periodontitis and cerebrovascular diseases.
- A causative connection between the two has not been proven yet.
- Periodontal diseases may contribute to the development or progression of cerebrovascular diseases.
- There is a potential association between chronic periodontal disease and erectile dysfunction.
- Further research is needed to understand the relationship between periodontitis and erectile dysfunction.

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