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History and Terminology
- Perioral dermatitis first appeared in 1957 with a case of light sensitive seborrhoeid.
- By 1964, the condition became known as perioral dermatitis in adults.
- In 1970, the condition was recognised in children.
- There has been ongoing debate about whether all rashes around the mouth are perioral dermatitis.
- Some propose renaming the condition to periorificial dermatitis.

Signs and Symptoms
- Symptoms of perioral dermatitis include stinging and burning sensations.
- Itching is less common.
- The rash is often steroid responsive and may initially improve with the application of topical steroids.
- The redness associated with perioral dermatitis has been linked to depression and anxiety.
- The rash consists of small papules and pustules around the mouth, nose, and sometimes cheeks.

Causes and Triggers
- The exact cause of perioral dermatitis is unclear.
- Topical steroids and cosmetics play a significant role in its development.
- Light exposure has been discounted as a causal factor, but some reports suggest a connection with Psoralen and ultraviolet A therapy.
- Inhaled corticosteroids can trigger perioral dermatitis.
- Drying agents, such as benzoyl peroxide and tretinoin, can aggravate the condition.

- Perioral dermatitis often occurs after the use of topical steroids on the face.
- Discontinuing steroids may initially worsen the condition and lead to dependency.
- Inhaled corticosteroids can also trigger perioral dermatitis.
- The condition tends to occur on drier parts of the face and can be aggravated by drying agents.
- There are no comedones present in perioral dermatitis.

Treatment and Prognosis
- Perioral dermatitis can resolve without medication by avoiding irritants.
- Topical corticosteroids should be completely stopped if possible.
- If necessary, a less potent topical corticosteroid may be temporarily used.
- Medications such as tetracycline, doxycycline, and erythromycin can speed up recovery.
- Erythromycin can be used as a cream for treatment.
- Perioral dermatitis can fully resolve with short courses of antibiotics.
- If left untreated, perioral dermatitis can persist for years and become chronic.
- Improvement with tetracyclines is usually seen after 4 days.
- Significant improvement with tetracyclines is typically observed after 2 weeks.
- Chronic forms of perioral dermatitis may require long-term management.

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