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Structure and Origin
- The tensor veli palatini muscle is thin and triangular in shape.
- It arises from the scaphoid fossa of the pterygoid process of the sphenoid anteriorly.
- It arises from the (medial aspect of the) spine of the sphenoid bone posteriorly.
- It arises from the anterolateral aspect of the membranous wall of the pharyngotympanic tube.
- Some muscle fibers may be continuous with those of the tensor tympani muscle.
- No personal pronouns.

- Converges to form a tendon of attachment.
- The tendon winds medially around the pterygoid hamulus.
- Inserts into the palatine aponeurosis.
- Inserts into the bony surface posterior to the palatine crest of the horizontal plate of palatine bone.
- No personal pronouns.

Dilator Tubae Component
- Some muscle fibers insert onto the lateral lamina of the cartilaginous part of pharyngotympanic tube.
- Some muscle fibers insert onto adjacent connective tissue.
- Some muscle fibers insert onto Ostmann's fat pad.
- No personal pronouns.

- Receives motor innervation from the mandibular nerve (CN V).
- Mandibular nerve is a branch of the trigeminal nerve (CN V).
- Innervated via the nerve to medial pterygoid.
- Not innervated by the pharyngeal plexus.
- Formed by the vagal and glossopharyngeal nerves.

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