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Can't get Invisalign? Don't give up just yet! Here's what you need to know.

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Can't get Invisalign? Don't give up just yet! Here's what you need to know.

Invisalign is the most widely known and used aligner brand in the world today. More and more adults are considering and taking up on the teeth straightening journey since these almost invisible options are available on the market. Click here to read about all the options. Are you one of them? Have you seen a dentist for assessments or scans to determine if you would be eligible? Were you told that Invisalign is not a good option for you but you are still keen on having it because of its discrete nature?

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OPE Blog6 2240x1260 01 min

Pulp Necrosis | Dead Tooth

The words pulpal necrosis don’t exactly inspire visions of healthy and beautiful smiles, do they? This is the technical term for a dead tooth, and it may surprise you to learn that almost one in three adults in the UK have tooth decay. That’s 31 per cent! It occurs when the pulp tissue in the inner core of the tooth undergoes necrosis – or in other words, dies.

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OPE Blog7 2240x1260 01 min

Gingivitis & Periodontitis - Signs & Symptoms

It may shock you to know that 90 per cent of people will have gum disease at some point in their lifetime. But before that statistic scares you, dear reader, it’s important to know that when caught early enough, periodontitis and gingivitis are highly predictable if you take on board all the advice given.

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OPE Blog2 2240x1260 01 min

These 3 Dental Specialists Are More Important Than You Thought

A practice full of specialists is a one-stop shop for having a beautiful and healthy smile, where everything can be done under one roof. But not all dental practices are full of specialists.

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Your Guide To A Beautiful And Healthy Smile

Contrary to popular belief, a great dentist isn’t just someone who can fix your teeth. A great dentist is someone who really cares about their patients. In this blog, we’ll be sharing why it’s so important to have a dentist who cares not just about giving their patients a beautiful smile, but also a healthy one that will last.

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OPE Blog3 2240x1260 01 min

Effective Oral Hygiene Techniques: The Surprising Truth

There are billions of bacteria in your mouth, with some estimates even putting that number at 20 billion on average! As a dentist, I’m always stressing the importance of brushing your teeth to my patients, but it’s safe to say that this figure speaks for itself. One of the latest crazes in oral hygiene is the water flosser. Water flossers have been around for a long time – in fact, the first “oral irrigator” was invented in 1962! Since then, we’ve seen them look increasingly more impressive as technology advances. But are they really all that great?

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OPE Blog4 2240x1260 01 min

Teeth Whitening Can Ruin Your Healthy Smile

Teeth whitening is far from a new concept, but these days it seems to have become a behemoth of its own, turning into a status symbol of sorts. It seems we can track this new craze to a common culprit: the media. The rise of pearly white smiles online and in adverts has made people feel obliged to seek whiter and whiter teeth no matter the cost.

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OPE Blog5 2240x1260 01 min

Dental Fear: Is Your Fear Of The Dentist Ruining Your Smile?

Dentophobia, or odontophobia, is a fear of the dentist; and it affects a whopping 53 per cent of the UK public! It really is no surprise when we consider the media’s portrayal of dentists: needle-wielding psychopaths with murderous intent!

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How to Maintain Your Smile After Cosmetic Dentistry Treatment in London

If you've recently had cosmetic dentistry treatment in London, congratulations! You're now the proud owner of a beautiful smile. However, maintaining that smile requires effort and attention. In this article, we'll provide some tips and tricks on how to keep your teeth looking great for years to come (read more).

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Top 5 Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments min scaled 1

Top 5 Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments in London

Author's note: As a cosmetic dentist in London, I still remember the first time I performed a cosmetic dentistry procedure on a patient. It was in 2005, she was 18 years old and had Amelogenesis Imperfecta (brown teeth). The sheer delight in their eyes and their newfound confidence, thanks to their transformed smile, was an unforgettable experience. This personal journey inspires me to provide the best possible care for my patients and encourage others to explore the wonders of cosmetic dentistry.

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Can't get Invisalign? Don't give up just yet! Here's what you need to know. FAQ



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