Causes and Risk Factors
- Actinomycosis is primarily caused by bacteria of the genus Actinomyces.
- Risk factors include dental procedures, poor oral hygiene, weakened immune systems, and inhalation or ingestion of contaminated material.
- Prevalent in rural areas with agricultural practices.
- Other bacterial species often aid in the infection process.
- Use of intrauterine devices (IUDs) has increased incidence in females.

Signs and Symptoms
- Painful abscesses in the mouth, lungs, breast, or gastrointestinal tract.
- Actinomycosis abscesses grow larger over time and can penetrate surrounding bone and muscle.
- Abscesses break open and leak pus, which may contain sulfur granules.
- Slow and progressive onset of symptoms.
- Tissue inflammation, swelling, and presence of yellowish or pus-filled discharge.

Diagnosis and Treatment
- Diagnosis can be challenging and often requires a combination of methods.
- Microbiological examinations, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and immunoassays are helpful in diagnosis.
- Actinomyces bacteria are sensitive to penicillin, which is frequently used for treatment.
- Doxycycline is an alternative for those with penicillin allergy.
- Sulfonamides may be used as an alternative regimen.
- Response to therapy is slow and may take months.

- Incidence is higher in males between 20 and 60 years old.
- Before antibiotics, incidence was higher in the Netherlands and Germany.
- Incidence in the US in the 1970s was one per 300,000 people per year.
- Use of intrauterine devices (IUDs) has increased incidence in females.
- Incidence of oral actinomycosis has increased.

Complications, Prognosis, Prevention, and Control
- Actinomycosis can spread to nearby tissues and organs, forming fistulas and sinus tracts.
- Chronic infection can lead to scarring and disfigurement.
- Rare cases of dissemination to other body parts.
- Prognosis is generally good with early diagnosis and appropriate treatment.
- Prevention measures include maintaining good oral hygiene, regular dental check-ups, proper wound care, use of protective gear in agricultural and occupational settings, and education and awareness about the disease and its risk factors.

Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
actinomycosis (noun)
infection with or disease caused by - actinomyces , especially a chronic disease of cattle, swine, and humans characterized by hard granulomatous masses usually in the mouth and jaw
Actinomycosis (Wikipedia)

Actinomycosis is a rare infectious bacterial disease caused by Actinomyces species. The name refers to ray-like appearance of the organisms in the granules. About 70% of infections are due to either Actinomyces israelii or A. gerencseriae. Infection can also be caused by Streptomyces somaliensis and Propionibacterium propionicus. The condition is likely to be a polymicrobial anaerobic infection.

A man with actinomycosis on the right side of his face
SpecialtyInfectious disease
Actinomycosis (Wiktionary)



From Actinomyces + -osis.


actinomycosis (countable and uncountable, plural actinomycoses)

  1. (pathology) An infectious bacterial disease of cattle and swine, sometimes transmitted to man, characterized by the formation of painful abscesses in the mouth, lungs, or gastrointestinal tract, caused by Actinomyces israelii,
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