Adoption of Bibcode
- The Bibliographic Reference Code (refcode) was originally developed for use in SIMBAD and the NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database (NED).
- The code has become a de facto standard and is now used more widely, including by the NASA Astrophysics Data System.
- The term 'bibcode' was coined by the NASA Astrophysics Data System and is preferred.
- The code is used to uniquely identify bibliographic references in scientific literature.
- It consists of a fixed length of 19 characters.

Format of Bibcode
- The code follows the format: YYYYJJJJJVVVVMPPPPA.
- YYYY represents the four-digit year of the reference.
- JJJJJ is a code indicating where the reference was published.
- VVVV represents the volume number in the case of a journal reference.
- M indicates the section of the journal where the reference was published.
- PPPP gives the starting page number and A is the first letter of the last name of the first author.

- Example bibcode: 1974AJ.....79..819H.
- Reference: Heintz, W. D. (1974). Astrometric study of four visual binaries.
- Journal: The Astronomical Journal.
- Page range: 819–825.
- DOI: 10.1086/111614.

Related Identifier
- Digital object identifier (DOI) is another identifier used in scientific literature.

- M. Schmitz, G. Helou, P. Dubois, C. LaGue, B.F. Madore, H. G. Corwin Jr. & S. Lesteven (1995). NED and SIMBAD Conventions for Bibliographic Reference Coding.
- Book: Information & On-Line Data in Astronomy.
- Published by: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- ISBN: 0-7923-3659-3.
- The ADS Data, help page. NASA ADS.

Bibcode (Wikipedia)

The bibcode (also known as the refcode) is a compact identifier used by several astronomical data systems to uniquely specify literature references.

Full nameBibliographic code
No. of digits19
Check digitnone
Bibcode (Wiktionary)



Short for bibliographic code.


bibcode (plural bibcodes)

  1. An alphanumeric code used in astronomical data systems to identify a specific literature reference.


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