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History and Evolution of Dental Bonding
- Adhesive dentistry started in 1955 with Dr. Michael Buonocore's paper on acid etching.
- Dental bonding agents have evolved from no-etch to total-etch to self-etch systems.
- 4th generation bonding agents achieved the best bonding and longevity.
- In 2012, new universal adhesives were commercialised.

Dental Bonding in Orthodontic Treatments
- Bonding orthodontic brackets to teeth is crucial for effective treatment.
- There is no clear evidence on the best type of orthodontic adhesive to use.

Dental Adhesive and Dentine Bonding Agents
- Dentine bonding agents are used in dental bonding procedures.
- This section needs expansion.

Related Fields to Dental Bonding
- Fixed prosthodontics is related to dental bonding.
- Cosmetic dentistry is another field related to dental bonding.

- The Journal of Adhesive Dentistry provides an introduction to dental bonding.
- Bella Smiles provides facts about dental bonding.
- A critical review of adhesion to tooth tissue was published in the Journal of Dental Research.
- In vitro shear bond strength studies compared self-etching adhesives to 4th and 5th generation adhesives.
- Irwin Smigel's book 'Dental Health/Dental Beauty' discusses aesthetic dentistry.
- New universal adhesives were discussed in Clinicians Report.
- Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews examined adhesives for fixed orthodontic brackets.

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