Clinical Application of Pulp Tests
- Dental pulp tests are valuable techniques used in dentistry to establish the pulpal health status of a tooth.
- The diagnostic information obtained from pulpal testing is used alongside a patient's history, clinical and radiographic findings to determine a diagnosis and prognosis.
- Pulp tests are useful for diagnosing endodontic pathology.
- They can help localize tooth pain.
- Pulp tests aid in differentiating between odontogenic and non-odontogenic pain.

Sensitivity Testing
- Sensitivity tests assess the sensory response of a tooth to external stimuli.
- Sensory stimuli like heat, cold, or electrical current are applied to the tooth to stimulate the nocireceptors within the pulp.
- Sensibility testing is based on Brännström's hydrodynamic theory.
- The type of sensory fibers activated determines the response felt by the patient.
- Sensitivity testing can indirectly determine the pulpal health status.

Responses to Sensitivity Testing
- A normal response to sensitivity testing indicates a healthy pulp.
- A heightened or prolonged response suggests pulpal inflammation.
- Pronounced pain that subsides indicates reversible pulpitis, while lingering pain indicates irreversible pulpitis.
- Lack of response suggests diminished nerve supply, such as in pulpal necrosis or previously root-treated canals.
- Sensitivity testing results require careful interpretation in clinical practice.

Types of Sensitivity Tests
- Thermal tests involve applying hot or cold stimuli to the tooth.
- Cold testing is commonly done using products with varying melting points, such as household ice or refrigerant sprays.
- Heat tests use heated instruments or gutta-percha.
- Electric pulp testing generates an action potential in the pulp's Type Aδ fibers using an electrical current.
- Anaesthesia testing is used when other sensitivity tests are inconclusive.

Limitations of Sensitivity Testing
- Sensitivity tests only indicate the presence or absence of the nerve supply to a tooth.
- Prolonged response indicates pulpal inflammation but not its degree.
- False positive results can occur due to innervation of adjacent teeth or in anxious patients.
- False negative results can occur in recently traumatized teeth or teeth with incomplete root canal treatment.
- Sensitivity test results should be interpreted by an experienced dentist considering clinical symptoms and radiography.

Dental pulp test (Wikipedia)

Dental pulpal testing is a clinical and diagnostic aid used in dentistry to help establish the health of the dental pulp within the pulp chamber and root canals of a tooth. Such investigations are important in aiding dentists in devising a treatment plan for the tooth being tested.

There are two major types of dental pulp tests. Vitality testing assesses the blood supply to the tooth, whilst sensitivity testing tests the sensory supply.

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