Description and Characteristics of Entamoeba gingivalis
- Recognizable through its dense core formed by a central point encircled by a circular halo
- Found in the mouth, specifically in the gingival pocket biofilm near the base of the teeth and in periodontal pockets
- Found in 95% of people with gum disease and rarely in people with healthy gums
- Transmission is direct from one person to another by kissing or sharing eating utensils
- Trophozoites are formed, with sizes ranging from 20 micrometers to 150 micrometers in diameter
- Have pseudopodia that allow them to move quickly
- Phagocytize the nucleus of polynuclear neutrophils by exonucleophagy in periodontal disease
- Spheroid nucleus is 2 micrometers to 4 micrometers in diameter and contains a small central endosome
- Numerous food vacuoles consisting mostly of phagocytized PMN nucleus, blood cells, and bacteria
- Can cause pyorrhoea

Feeding Behavior of Entamoeba gingivalis
- Main activity in infected periodontal crevices is feeding on the nucleus of white blood cells
- Penetrates into the cytoplasm to reach the nucleus and suctions its contents via negative pressure of the pseudopod
- Digests the food inside the endoplasm
- Phagocytosis can continue for more than 20 polynuclear neutrophil nuclei
- Leaves denucleated cells that release PMN-uncontrolled proteolytic enzymes on surrounding tissues

Media References
- Bonner M, Amard V, Bar-Pinatel C, Charpentier F, Chatard JM, Desmuyck Y, et al. (2014). Detection of the amoeba Entamoeba gingivalis in periodontal pockets.
- Jian B, Kolansky AS, Baloach ZW, Gupta PK (September 2008). Entamoeba gingivalis pulmonary abscess - diagnosed by fine needle aspiration.
- Lyons T, Sholten T, Palmer JC (October 1980). Oral amoebiasis: a new approach for the general practitioner in the diagnosis and treatment of periodontal disease.
- Lyons T. Introduction to protozoa and fungi in periodontal disease. Trevor Lyons publications, Ontario, Canada 1989.
- Prieto-Prieto J, Calvo A (2004). Microbiological basis of oral infections and sensitivity to antibiotics.

Further Reading
- Roberts L, Janovy J (2005). Foundations of Parasitology.
- Capnocytophaga sp.
- Preston D. Miller
- Willoughby D. Miller
- Carl E. Misch

- This group will include any remaining points or information that does not fit into the other groups.

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