History and Development of the Frankel Appliance
- Developed by Rolf Fränkel in Germany in the 1950s
- Fränkel used the activator functional appliance with mixed results
- Believed in correcting functional deviations of muscles along with dentition for stable treatment outcomes
- Developed functional regulator appliances to train and reprogram the musculature around the mouth
- Published around 70 articles emphasizing the importance of his appliance in expanding dental arches

Fränkel's Philosophy and Principles
- Mirrored Melvin Moss's philosophy
- Functional performance of oral capsule muscles influences functional spaces
- Atmospheric pressure also influences functional spaces
- Perioral muscles have a restraining effect on dental arches
- Appliance insertion expands the capsule and allows new muscle adaptation

Types of Frankel Appliances
- Frankel Appliance I (FR 1): Used for Class 1 and Class 2 Division 1 malocclusion
- Frankel Appliance II (FR II): Primarily used for Class 2 Division 1 and 2 malocclusion
- Frankel Appliance III (FR III): Used for Class 3 malocclusion
- Frankel Appliance IV (FR IV): Used for open bite and bimaxillary protrusion cases
- Frankel Appliance V (FR V): Used with headgear in patients with high mandibular plane angle and vertical maxillary excess

Modifications of the Frankel Appliance
- Otton (1992): Capped Frankel Appliance
- Owen (1985): Modified functional regulator for Vertical Maxillary Excess
- Chate (1986): Changed angulation of Cross Wires
- Kingston: Modified buccal shields
- Haynes (1986): Modified appliance with continuous buccolabial shield palatal acrylic support

References and Research on the Frankel Appliance
- De Almeida, Marcio Rodrigues; Henriques, José Fernando Castanha; Ursi, Weber (2002-05-01). Comparative study of the Fränkel (FR-2) and bionator appliances in the treatment of Class II malocclusion.
- Bionator/Orthopedic Corrector - DynaFlex.
- Rudzki-Janson, I.; Noachtar, R. (1998-03-01). Functional appliance therapy with the Bionator.
- Perillo, Letizia; Cannavale, Rosangela; Ferro, Fabrizia; Franchi, Lorenzo; Masucci, Caterina; Chiodini, Paolo; Baccetti, Tiziano (2011-02-01). Meta-analysis of skeletal mandibular changes during Frankel appliance treatment.
- Rodrigues de Almeida, Marcio; Castanha Henriques, José Fernando; Rodrigues de Almeida, Renato; Ursi, Weber (2002-10-01). Treatment effects produced by Fränkel appliance in patients with class II, division 1 malocclusion.

Frankel appliance (Wikipedia)

Frankel appliance or Frankel Functional Regulator is an orthodontic functional appliance which was developed by Rolf Fränkel in 1950s for treatment to patients of all ages (more so for adults In Orthotropics). This appliance primarily focused on the modulation of neuromuscular activity in order to produce changes in jaw and teeth. The appliance was opposite to the Bionator appliance and Activator appliance.

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