Structure and Anatomy
- The frontal nerve is a branch of the ophthalmic nerve (V), which is a branch of the trigeminal nerve (CN V).
- The frontal nerve branches before entering the superior orbital fissure and travels superolateral to the annulus of Zinn.
- It divides into two branches, the supratrochlear nerve and supraorbital nerve.
- Nerves of the orbit: The frontal nerve branches from the ophthalmic nerve.
- Superior view of a dissection of the orbit: The frontal nerve branches into the supratrochlear and supraorbital nerves.
- Superior view of a dissection of the orbit: An instrument is inserted between the frontal nerve and the levator palpebrae superioris.

- The frontal nerve provides sensory innervation to the skin of the forehead, upper eyelid, and mucosa of the frontal sinus.
- It plays a role in transmitting sensory information from these areas.
- Sensory innervation helps with perception and protection of these regions.

Clinical significance
- The frontal nerve can be affected by schwannoma, a benign nerve tumor.
- Schwannoma can affect the myelin sheath of the frontal nerve and may occur between the superior orbital fissure and the supraorbital foramen.
- It can cause damage to the adjacent orbital part of the frontal bone.
- Distinctive radiological features of orbital frontal nerve schwannoma can be identified through imaging techniques like CT scan or MRI.
- Orbital cystic schwannoma originating from the frontal nerve has also been reported in a case study.

Additional images
- These images provide visual representations of the frontal nerve and its branches.
- They help in understanding the anatomical relationships and structures involved.

- Gray's Anatomy: The anatomical basis of clinical practice by Susan Standring is a comprehensive reference.
- Young, S. M., Kim, Y. D., Jeon, G. S., & Woo, K. I. (2018) published an article on distinctive radiological features of orbital frontal nerve schwannoma.
- Hayashi, Y., Watanabe, T., Kita, D., Hayashi, Y., Takahira, M., & Hamada, J. I. (2012) reported a case of orbital cystic schwannoma originating from the frontal nerve.
- These references provide further information and research on the frontal nerve, contributing to the understanding of its structure, functions, and clinical significance.

Frontal nerve (Wikipedia)

The frontal nerve is the largest branch of the ophthalmic nerve (V1), itself a branch of the trigeminal nerve (CN V). It supplies sensation to the skin of the forehead, the mucosa of the frontal sinus, and the skin of the upper eyelid. It may be affected by schwannoma.

Frontal nerve
Nerves of the orbit. Seen from above.
Fromophthalmic nerve
Tosupratrochlear nerve and supraorbital nerve
Innervatesskin of forehead, mucosa of frontal sinus, skin of upper eyelid
Latinnervus frontalis
Anatomical terms of neuroanatomy
Frontal nerve (Wiktionary)



frontal nerve (plural frontal nerves)

  1. (neuroanatomy) A branch of the ophthalmic nerve supplying the forehead, scalp, and adjoining parts.
    Meronyms: supraorbital nerve, supratrochlear nerve
    Coordinate terms: lacrimal nerve, nasociliary nerve


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