Functions of gingival fibers
- Hold the marginal gingiva against the tooth
- Provide rigidity to the marginal gingiva to withstand mastication forces
- Stabilize the marginal gingiva by uniting it with attached gingiva and tooth's cementum layer

Effects of periodontitis on gingival fibers
- Breached gingival fibers cannot regenerate
- Destruction of gingival fibers leads to increased depth of gingival sulcus
- Deeper sulcus allows more debris and bacteria to remain in contact with delicate epithelia

Types of gingival fibers
- Gingival fibers extend from cementum into attached gingiva
- Some fibers extend coronally into crest of free gingiva
- Other fibers extend horizontally over crest of alveolar bone and then apically to connect on facial aspect of buccal plate
- Dentogingival group has fibers extending towards crest, laterally, and downward along cortex of alveolar bone
- Circular group exists entirely within gingiva and doesn't contact the tooth
- Transseptal group spans interproximal tissue between adjacent teeth

Additional types of gingival fibers
- Semicircular fibers run through facial and lingual gingiva around each tooth
- Semicircular fibers attach to interproximal surfaces of the same tooth
- Transgingival fibers run between two non-adjacent teeth
- Transgingival fibers are embedded in cementum of proximal surfaces
- Transgingival fibers pass around the tooth in the middle of the two attached teeth

- Itoiz ME, Carranza FA (2002). The Gingiva. In Newman MG, Takei HH, Carranza FA (eds.). Carranzas Clinical Periodontology (9th ed.). Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Company. pp.26–7.
- Capnocytophaga sp.
- Preston D. Miller
- Willoughby D. Miller
- Carl E. Misch

Gingival fibers (Wikipedia)

The gingival fibers are the connective tissue fibers that inhabit the gingival tissue adjacent to teeth and help hold the tissue firmly against the teeth. They are primarily composed of type I collagen, although type III fibers are also involved.

These fibers, unlike the fibers of the periodontal ligament, in general, attach the tooth to the gingival tissue, rather than the tooth to the alveolar bone.

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