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Classification of Gingival Recession:
- Millers classification system
- Kumar & Masamattis classification system
- Separate classification system for palatal recessions
- New comprehensive classification system based on position of interdental papilla and recessions

Causes of Gingival Recession:
- Gum disease (periodontal disease)
- Overaggressive brushing
- Improper flossing
- Hereditary factors
- Habits like tobacco use or self-inflicted trauma

Symptoms of Gingival Recession:
- Progressive condition occurring gradually
- Tooth mobility
- Dentin hypersensitivity
- Teeth appearing longer due to receding gums
- Exposed and visible tooth roots

Treatment Options for Gingival Recession:
- Gum grafting procedures performed by a periodontist
- Different techniques such as pedicle graft or free gingival graft
- Use of acellular dermal matrix as an alternative to patient's own tissue
- Completed under local anesthesia
- Healing time of 2-4 weeks

Growth-Factor Techniques for Gingival Recession Treatment:
- Introduction of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) infused bone graft material
- Combined with cellular matrix for osseointegration
- Healing time of 2-4 weeks
- Minor reshaping of new tissue may be necessary
- Complete or near complete coverage of recession area achieved without bone loss.

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