Agents used in host modulatory therapy
- Non steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) inhibit PGE2 formation, which upregulates bone resorption.
- Bisphosphonate
- Sub antimicrobial doxycycline has cytokine and osteoclasts inhibitory action.
- Enamel Matrix Protein helps improve wound healing and stimulate regeneration of lost bone.
- Growth Factors like Bone Morphogenic Proteins.

- Carranzas Clinical Periodontology by Michael G. Newman, Henry Takei, Perry R. Klokkevold, Fermin A. Carranza.
- Wheeless Textbook of Orthopaedics - Osteoclasts.
- Subantimicrobial Dose Doxycycline — Host Modulation in the Treatment of Periodontitis (PDF) from
- The effect of enamel matrix derivative (Emdogain) on bone formation: A systematic review from Tissue Engineering Part B: Reviews.
- Capnocytophaga sp.

Other specialties related to host modulatory therapy
- Endodontology
- Orthodontology
- Prosthodontology

Retrieved source
- Retrieved from

- Periodontology

Host modulatory therapy is an emerging treatment concept in the management of periodontitis that aims to reduce tissue destruction and stabilise or even regenerate the periodontium by modifying the host response. Historically treatment of periodontitis has been focused on reducing the bacterial challenge. However the outcomes of the conventional treatment procedures like scaling and root planning (SRP) are not always stable or predictable. Periodontal disease is seen as a balance between (1) a persisting bacterial challenge and the proinflammatory destructive events in the tissue and (2) resolution of inflammation and downregulation of destructive processes. The goal is to maximize treatment response by reducing inflammation and inhibiting destructive processes in the tissues which will result in enhanced periodontal stability after conventional periodontal treatments like SRP.

Host modulatory therapy is a means of treating the host's side of the host-bacteria interaction.

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