Presentation and Diagnosis of Linear Gingival Erythema (LGE)
- LGE appears as a red line 2-3mm in width adjacent to the free gingival margin.
- LGE is limited to the soft tissue of the periodontium.
- Unlike conventional periodontal disease, LGE is not significantly associated with increased levels of dental plaque.
- Diagnosis of LGE is based on clinical presentation.
- Biopsy may be performed to confirm the diagnosis.
- LGE can be distinguished from other periodontal diseases through its distinct red line appearance.
- Dental professionals should consider HIV testing for individuals presenting with LGE.
- Regular monitoring of LGE is necessary to assess its progression.

Association of Linear Gingival Erythema (LGE) with HIV
- LGE has been observed in individuals with HIV infection.
- LGE is considered an oral manifestation of HIV.
- The prevalence of LGE in HIV-positive individuals is higher compared to the general population.
- LGE can be an early indicator of HIV infection.
- Effective management of HIV can improve the severity of LGE.

Complications and Impact of Linear Gingival Erythema (LGE)
- LGE can lead to gingival bleeding and discomfort.
- If left untreated, LGE may progress to more severe forms of periodontal disease.
- LGE can compromise oral hygiene and affect overall oral health.
- The presence of LGE may indicate a weakened immune system.
- LGE can impact the quality of life and oral health-related quality of life.

Management of Linear Gingival Erythema (LGE)
- Management of LGE focuses on controlling associated factors, such as HIV infection.
- Antiretroviral therapy can improve the severity of LGE.
- Good oral hygiene practices, including regular brushing and flossing, are essential.
- Regular dental visits for professional cleanings and monitoring are recommended.
- Collaboration between dental and medical professionals is crucial for comprehensive management of LGE.

Prevalence and Treatment of Linear Gingival Erythema (LGE)
- The prevalence of LGE remains unclear.
- There is no known treatment for LGE.

Linear gingival erythema (LGE) is a periodontal disorder diagnosed based on distinct clinical characteristics. It was originally thought that LGE was directly associated with HIV, and it was thus called HIV-associated gingivitis (HIV-G). Later research confirmed that LGE also occurs in HIV negative immunocompromised patients, and it was thus renamed.

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