Structure of the olfactory tract
- The olfactory tract and olfactory bulb are located in the olfactory sulcus.
- The sulcus is formed by the medial orbital gyrus on the inferior surface of each frontal lobe.
- Fibers of the olfactory tract appear to end in various regions, including the olfactory tubercle, anterior olfactory nucleus, prepyriform area, amygdala nuclei, and nucleus of the stria terminalis.
- The olfactory tract divides posteriorly into a medial and a lateral stria.
- Caudal to this is the olfactory trigone and the anterior perforated substance.

Medial olfactory stria
- The medial olfactory stria turns medially behind the parolfactory area.
- It ends in the subcallosal gyrus.
- In some cases, a small intermediate stria is seen running backward to the anterior perforated substance.

Lateral olfactory stria
- The lateral olfactory stria is directed across the lateral part of the anterior perforated substance.
- It then bends abruptly medially toward the uncus of the parahippocampal gyrus.

Clinical significance of the olfactory tract
- Destruction to the olfactory tract results in ipsilateral anosmia (loss of the ability to smell).
- Anosmia, either total or partial, is a symptom of Kallmann syndrome, a genetic disorder affecting the development of the olfactory tract.
- The depth of the olfactory sulcus can indicate congenital anosmia.

Additional information
- Scheme of rhinencephalon, with the olfactory tract visible on the left.
- Base of the brain.
- Plan of olfactory neurons.
- Orbital surface of frontal lobe olfactory sulcus shown in red.
- References to relevant sources and studies.
- External link to further information on cranial nerves.

Olfactory tract (Wikipedia)

The olfactory tract is a bilateral bundle of afferent nerve fibers from the mitral and tufted cells of the olfactory bulb that connects to several target regions in the brain, including the piriform cortex, amygdala, and entorhinal cortex. It is a narrow white band, triangular on coronal section, the apex being directed upward.

Olfactory tract
Olfactory tract lying in olfactory sulcus and olfactory striae labelled
SystemOlfactory system
Latintractus olfactorius
NeuroLex IDbirnlex_1663
Anatomical terms of neuroanatomy
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