Education and Academic Achievements
- Peter Buschang graduated Phi Beta Kappa from the University of Texas at Austin in 1976.
- He received his bachelor's degree in physical anthropology.
- In 1978, he obtained his master's degree in primate anatomy.
- In 1980, he completed his PhD in physical anthropology.
- He spent three years as a NIDCR postdoctoral fellow at the University of Connecticut School of Dental Medicine.

Research Interests and Publications
- Buschang's research interests focus on craniofacial growth.
- He studies developmental adaptations to orthodontic and surgical treatments.
- He also investigates oral-motor function.
- He has published over 256 scientific papers.
- Buschang has given more than 130 invited lectures and workshops.
- Buschang has authored the textbook 'Recognizing and Correcting Developing Malocclusions: A Problem-Oriented Approach to Orthodontics.'

Awards and Positions
- Buschang received the Earle E. and Wilma Shepard Award.
- He is an honorary member of the American Association of Orthodontists.
- Buschang is an honorary member of the Edward H. Angle Society of Orthodontics.
- Since 1989, he has been the Director of Orthodontic Research at Baylor College of Dentistry.
- He is currently a Regents Professor at Baylor College of Dentistry.
- Buschang has an endowed professorship in orthodontics named after him at Texas A&M University Baylor College of Dentistry.
- He has written a textbook titled 'Clinical Research Methodology and Design for Dentists: Practical Guidelines and Applications.'

References and Publications
- Peter H. Buschang's profile can be found on
- An interview with Peter H. Buschang was published in the Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics.
- His profile is available on ResearchGate.
- The book 'Recognizing and Correcting Developing Malocclusions: A Problem-Oriented Approach to Orthodontics' was published by Wiley-Blackwell in 2016.

Contributions to Orthodontics
- Buschang has made significant contributions to the field of orthodontics through his research and publications.
- Buschang's work has advanced our understanding of craniofacial growth and orthodontic treatments.
- He has been a Regents Professor at Baylor College of Dentistry since 2012.

Peter Buschang (Wikipedia)

Peter H. Buschang (born 1951) is an anthropologist, an orthodontic researcher and an orthodontic educator. He is also an honorary member of American Association of Orthodontics and Edward H. Angle Society of Orthodontists.

Peter H. Buschang
BornJune 23, 1951
Cologne, Germany
EducationUniversity of Texas at Austin
Known forEarl E. and Wilma Award Recipient, Honorary member of American Association of Orthodontists
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