Causes and onset of Pulp Canal Obliteration
- Occurs in response to dental trauma
- Common after replantation of completely avulsed tooth
- Can also occur due to extensive drilling during dental treatment
- Exact causes are unclear
- Starts to occur several months after replantation

Signs and Symptoms of Pulp Canal Obliteration
- Yellow tooth discoloration
- Lack of response to pulp sensibility test
- Lack of visible radiolucency on x-rays
- Often painless condition
- Small risk of pulp necrosis

Management of Pulp Canal Obliteration
- Conservative approach with routine radiographic monitoring
- Root canal treatment may be difficult or impossible
- Regular follow-up to assess the condition
- No specific treatment guidelines
- Individualized management based on patient's needs

Related Condition - Internal Resorption
- Internal resorption is a similar condition affecting the root canal
- Involves the resorption of dentin within the root canal
- Can lead to pulp canal obliteration
- Different causes and treatment approach compared to obliteration
- Both conditions require careful diagnosis and management

- McCabe, PS; Dummer, PM (February 2012). Pulp canal obliteration: an endodontic diagnosis and treatment challenge.
- International Endodontic Journal. 45 (2): 177–97. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2591.2011.01963.x. PMID21999441.
- The Dental Trauma Guide. Copenhagen University Hospital and the International Association of Dental Traumatology. Archived from the original on 12 October 2015. Retrieved 21 October 2015.
- Abd-Elmeguid, A; ElSalhy, M; Yu, DC (2 July 2015). Pulp canal obliteration after replantation of avulsed immature teeth: a systematic review.
- Dental Traumatology. 31 (6): 437–441. doi:10.1111/edt.12199. PMID26134760.

Pulp canal obliteration (also termed pulp chamber obliteration or root canal obliteration) is a condition which can occur in teeth where hard tissue is deposited along the internal walls of the root canal and fills most of the pulp system leaving it narrowed and restricted.

The exact causes of pulp obliteration are unclear but it typically occurs in response to dental trauma, especially following luxation injuries involving displacement, particularly if a tooth is replanted after being completely avulsed (knocked out) This response is common in this scenario and typically starts to occur several months after replantation. In other cases obliteration can occur if the tooth is drilled down extensively during dental treatment, e.g. during crown preparation.

Signs and symptoms of obliteration include:

Most of the time this condition is painless and is managed conservatively by monitoring the tooth with routine radiographs. There is a small risk of pulp necrosis. If root canal treatment is attempted it can be difficult or impossible on a tooth with pulp canal obliteration.

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